Wednesday is also garbage day

Jan 04, 2012 21:49

It appears, from the information available to me, that I may have moved from your common, every day cold to the actual flu. It all happened about 2030 last night when I fell asleep on the couch. It progressed from there. Because of some unfortunateness this morning, I only ate about half an hour ago.

I worked until about 1430 today when they FINALLY let me go. With any luck, I'm calling in sick tomorrow and I'm not going to feel guilty about it, at all. Here's hoping my 12-pk of Sprite holds out.

This has been the first time all day that I've felt like sitting up so I figured I'd hurry and see what I'd missed. Need to find some stories to read and was sort of hoping to come up with an idea to write so I could get something good out of this day. I'm rewatching Rising Parts 1&2 because I can't find anything else to watch. Not that watching this is a hardship, of course. *grins*

I do believe I'm going to go lay down. Good night.
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