With only minutes left in 2011

Dec 31, 2011 23:43

End of Year meme gacked from mfirefly10

Your main fandom of the year?
That would pretty much be Stargate Atlantis. The communities are still thriving even though the franchise officially has nothing in the works. The best thing this fandom did for me, this year, is that it got me back into reading fanfic once again. I haven't been a reader in YEARS. The Ronon/John fics by jendavis make me so very happy!

Your favorite film watched this year?
I think I liked Eat, Pray, Love the best of everything that I saw in the theaters. The landscape was gorgeous and it stayed true enough to the book that my inner reader was happy. Plus, I didn't feel like I was going to pass out!

Your favorite book read this year?
Just one? I will probably remember this year the most for the books that I read with the other Pharm Girls. We read our way through The Black Dagger Brotherhood, The Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments, and The League (Sherrilyn Kenyon). Right now, we're working on The Midnight Breed series (Lara Adrian) and I'm pushing the Vampire Academy series. We're talking about a reread of Harry Potter sometime soon, as well. I don't think I've read Book 7 more than once.

That's not bad when you consider R always told me she "didn't read" which I always take as an invitation to find the right book. For R, it was Harry Potter. She'd never read them and I was lamenting not having anyone to go see the movies with... was that last year? No, the movie before. So a couple of years ago. Now her husband growls at me when she brings home a bag of books. We're talking about going halfsies on a library card (it's $40 for the good one) to save money on books. Even buying them used is still costing us quite a bit of money.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
Hands down it would be Florence and the Machine - Ceremonials! I can't get enough of it!

Your favorite TV show of the year?
Community, The Big Bang Theory, Doctor Who, Leverage, Once Upon a Time, Flashpoint

Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Once Upon a Time!!!! Love that show and hope they get to see out some of their ideas because I'm ready to follow them wherever they end up! I also enjoy that I feel I can write in the fandom almost right away. I know just enough to already be sort of up to speed!

Also, I really, really enjoyed Neverland on SyFy and was excited to have that show to add to the great remixes they've done in the past. The ideas behind everything were stellar!

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
I wish I liked Grimm better than I do. I'm sort of bitter at it because the network turned down The 13th Precinct for that and I really enjoyed the pilot. It's a download that I'm going to keep on my computer forever!

Your TV boyfriend of the year?
Raj (TBBT), Sam (Flashpoint), Hardison (Age of the Geek, baby!)

Your TV girlfriend of the year?
Ruby (OUaT), River Song, Lorna Bucket (who reminds me of Amelia Banks)

Your biggest (fandom) squee moment of the year?
Getting to see Jason Momoa up on the big screen... even if it was accompanied by A LOT of blood and violence. Yes, I'll probably own the DVD, too. I have to support my favorite guy, after all!

Also, the Vastra/Jenny relationship made me throw a pillow in the air with delight. That and the River Song reveal were so gorgeous!

The most missed of your old fandoms?
Harry Potter... even if I haven't been gone that long! It just isn't as comfortable as it once was. Besides, I've gotten spoiled in my other fandoms. Even though I don't write some of the same pairings that are as readily accepted by the majority of the fandom, I still have an audience. I find that I like feed-back! Maybe I just never found the right community there. I don't know...

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
I have every intention of watching Fringe and Pysch. I need to read all The Song of Ice and Fire books. Okay, you caught me... I need to START the series. I'm only like 40 pages into the first book.

Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
The Hunger Games movie. Hardison/Parker/Eliot becoming more of a possibility (a girl can dream, can't she?). Finding out if my thoughts about Ruby are right (and then writing the story as I see it if I'm wrong!)
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