It was a strawberry sort of day

Jul 09, 2011 17:21

Today we went and picked strawberries at an actual strawberry farm (as opposed to harvesting the five we get each day from our own crop).

This is a really far away picture of the field we picked in. The thing was LOADED with strawberries!

Here's only part of our haul. Mom and I both picked two buckets (a gallon each bucket) so we brought home 4 gallons altogether!

I cut and cut and cut and this is part of what we ended up with! We made another batch of jam after this picture was taken and then we made some strawberry jello and have PLENTY to eat for dinner!

Even the trash is pretty! We also took some of the more rotten fruit out and spread it around the backyard for the birds... or Spencer next time she goes out.

And speaking of Spencer, here she is watching my mom cut up strawberries. She's always on alert if one drops on the ground!

I don't know if you can see the nest but there are baby birds in the nest above the lights this year. Three of them! They don't normally make it to full adulthood from this location, though. The cats, unfortunately, know right where they are and are ready to get them once they start trying to fly. Poor babies!
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