Sunday Brunch (PG, Nadia/Weiss)

Jan 25, 2005 21:44

Draaaaaabbbbles! Draaaaaaabbbbles! Drabbles for sale!
I'm blaming this on Ilex as she told me to write drabbles after she went to bed early. I had thought I would try getting to bed early but had to get this one out. Granted, this isn't an HP drabble but it's fandom so...

Title: Sunday Brunch
Fandom: Alias
Characters/Pairings: Nadia/Weiss
Word Count: 100

She tried not to smile as the tray of glasses went flying, shattering on impact. As a distraction, it worked well. Every eye in the restaurant was on Weiss as he landed heavily on the floor.

“Blackbird is in place and the crow has made an entrance. I’d take this as a go,” Nadia murmured toward the brooch on her jacket. The hat’s brim was doing a good job of hiding her delight even as she searched the room for anyone who might be looking to hurt her sister.

Perhaps she’d see if a kiss would take away his sting.

2005, !fanfic

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