Some Tonks Drabbles

Jan 25, 2005 00:57

Ilex and I spent the night writing angst and a good share of smut I wasn't entirely prepared for (which I think means I do better writing as I haven't scared myself too overly much) and listening to a new song - Let Me Go by 3 Doors Down. That band seems to WRITE about our characters. It's just so ODD!

So, wanted to post something other than smut on this journal tonight so I thought I would post some Tonks drabbles. Tonks and I have a special bond and have since I first read about her in Book 5. There's just something about her that calls to me when I write her, that soothes my soul. I like to make her light-hearted on the outside even though there is deep hurt and angst going on in the inside. She personifies true strength of character to me. Of course, that is PURELY me since we don't see a whole lot about her in cannon. There are things that we can ASSUME, though, knowing about her past. I can only hope that JKR will write more about her in the coming books - and I shred my nails everytime I think about her possible demise.


(This was my very first attempt at a drabble)
Title: Normal
Words: 128 (so close!)
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Challenge: 1 (Tonks and her mother)

“Mumma, you haven’t said if you liked the dress.”

Tonks stared at the image in the mirror and tried to understand what others saw. Her dark hair was pulled back in an elegant bun, giving the snapping eyes and upturned nose nothing to hide behind.

This looked normal.

“The dress is lovely but I think we could do better,” Andromeda murmured, taking her daughter’s cold hand. When she saw her mother’s reflection behind her, it suddenly made sense why she felt odd. Two identical women stared back.

“Darling, he loves you. Not a dress and most definitely not an image that you think everyone will approve of.”

In the blink of an eye, blue bangs hung to hide green eyes and the smooth skin was dotted with freckles.

(This drabble inspired a longer story that I will put up here one day. It was simply called "Indigo" because it's my favorite word for blue!)
Title: Indigo Strands
Word Count: 103
Characters: Tonks/Kingsley
Challenge: 3 (I believe this one was about a color)

“Do you really think that color is appropriate for your dinner date?”

Tonks turned, glaring at Kingsley’s defensive posture. “Sure. Why not? I think it’s a very becoming color.”

He slid his hands through the indigo strands. “Never said it wasn’t becoming. Just don’t think he’ll appreciate the color.”

It was hard to tear her gaze away from his hypnotic stare. When Patrick had asked her to keep this night open, she’d been excited. Now she was wishing she’d said no. Dressing up to sit in one place for hours didn’t sound fun.

“Do you?”

His kiss was all the answer she got.

(This drabble is one of my favorites, once again pairing Tonks and Kingsley. I love it when he takes her by surprise.)
Title: Ragbag Princess
Word Count: 100
Characters: Tonks/Kingsley
Challenge #9 - Shoes

Tonks leaned her head back against the now familiar couch. “You never told me I was going to regret going with you today, even if it was for shoes.”

“How do you get clothes if you never go shopping?” Kingsley sat down next to her, pulling her feet into his lap so he could take off her boots. “That might explain why you always look like you fell out of the ragbag.”

She scrunched up her face to scowl but winced instead as his hands found a blister. “You’ve never complained how I look.”

“Nope,” he said, kissing her deeply.

tonks, 2004, !fanfic, archive of our own

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