Two drabblish stories

May 30, 2011 20:06

Day 1

Title: Very Bad
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character: Ronon Dex, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan
Word Count: 231
Prompt: 20- SGA, Ronon Dex, Who took my blaster at stargateland

The room was silent as he stood in the doorway, arms at his side but tense, ready to start swinging at the very least provocation. "I'll ask it again," Ronon said through his bared teeth. "Who took my blaster?"

No one moved. In fact, it looked as if no one was breathing. The Marines had known Ronon long enough to know that he was a threat at the best of times. This was not one of those good times. In fact, by the fire in his eyes, it was possible this was a very bad time for all of them that had been stupid enough to wake up this morning.

"Ronon," John cautioned but even he wasn't moving much. Whoever had stolen Ronon's weapon had been stupid enough to take it right out of his holster... while he was still wearing it. That kind of stupidity had to be taken care of and better he didn't have to met out the payment. He just didn't want to have to do the paperwork if someone got killed for this.

An irritated Teyla came on the comm. Ronon, why does Torren have you blaster? I thought we talked about you letting him play with such dangerous things?

"Guess that answers that question," John replied as Ronon's face lost all color. "We better go retrieve your property before Teyla takes it out of your hide."

Title: Celebration
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon Dex/Amelia Banks, Teyla Emmagan, John Sheppard, Evan Lorne
Word Count: 767
Prompt: 40- SGA, Ronon, Ronon finally cuts his dreadlocks off at stargateland

When Atlantis returned back to the Pegasus galaxy, everyone celebrated in their own way. Teyla and Torren spent a day in silent honor to those Athosians who had fallen in the Earth war with the Wraith. There were only a handful left in the city now that some of them had made the choice to stay behind on Earth. Jinto and a few of the other Athosian boys were now a part of the Marines left to guard the city and so couldn't take part in the silence but they were not as robust about their duties as they had previously been.

Rodney placed a call to Jeannie to let her know he'd arrived safely. The additional ZPM wouldn't get them home via the gate but it made for better communication back and forth. Madison answered the video link and the two of them spent fifteen minutes catching up before the little girl let her mommy take over. When he finally got back to the lab, several of the other scientists noticed his smile. It wasn't such an odd occurrence as it once had been.

John and Lorne talked about getting drunk but one of them had to stay sober and it just wasn't one of those things that they wanted to do alone. Instead, they swapped stories over enough cups of coffee that it felt like they might be drunk off the caffeine. When John decided he'd had enough talking, they went for a long run around the city before finally settling in for the night with a movie and popcorn.

"It's like starting over," Amelia had told Ronon the morning that it was announced they were finally near Pegasus. She'd been giddy over the prospect, acting like she was almost home when, in fact, they'd left her home nearly half a year ago. She hadn't shed a tear then, not even when the military spokesman had informed the group on Atlantis that there was little hope that they would be coming back to Earth. It was too dangerous to keep that link open and working. They were allowed video links and mail but not physical traveling back and forth. If they stayed on the city, they could be there for quite awhile. Amelia had been the first forward to volunteer to go with the city, beating out even John and Lorne.

Now that they were actually there, she couldn't keep the tears away even as she struggled to keep the military bearing so ingrained through time and training. Her computer screen was the only one who saw her celebration as she wiped at the water leaking from her eyes. She was home.

Even more so home when she was finally able to make her way back to her quarters. The door was locked so that she had to ask for admittance. That could only mean one thing - she had a visitor who didn't want to be disturbed until it was time. When the door didn't open immediately, she tried again. "Open up, Ronon. It's me. It's Amelia."

When the door opened, she almost didn't recognize who was standing in front of her. She even crouched down, thinking she would need to fight her way past this tall man that looked nothing like anyone that should be in her room. It was only when he smiled that she realized that it was Ronon with much shorter hair.

"What did you do?"

"Do you like it?"

She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed, as if she could move him if he didn't want to be moved. When he was on his knees in front of her, Amelia buried her hands in his hair. As much as she liked it before, being able to actually run her hands through the softness was the biggest turn on she'd ever experienced.

"Why?" she asked some time later, after he'd gotten to his feet and pulled her into the room before someone else came along. After they'd found the bed and then the floor and the bed again. After he'd made her eat just because it was a celebration and he'd gone through the trouble of getting the special dinner. After she'd demanded he dance with her because no celebration was complete without a special dance to commemorate it.

"Like you said. We're starting over. Thought I'd do something new. You never said if you liked it."

This kiss was barely even a touch of their two lips because she wanted to answer the question and anything deeper than that would send them back to the bed. "I like it very much."
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