3 Stargate Atlantis drabbles

May 30, 2011 13:45

Day 2

Title: Girl's Night Out
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Elizabeth Weir, Teyla Emmagan
Word Count: 268
Prompt:49- SGA, Elizabeth Weir & Teyla Emmagan, girls night as stargateland

With one last slash of color and a practiced purse of her lips, Elizabeth stepped back from the mirror. It was silly to get dressed up for something that only sounded like something out of the ordinary when it was just Teyla coming over for a mug of hot tea and girl talk that had nothing to do with work or Atlantis or anything they might talk about on a normal get together. This was girl's night. The first rule of girl's night... no boys allowed. That included any that might creep into conversation.

It was only when she and Teyla were pouring in a "wee dram", as Carson would say, of the small supply of rum that Elizabeth had stashed away in the bottom of her bag on that first trip through the Stargate that she reconsidered dressing up. "You look very nice tonight, Elizabeth. We should go make use of this," she indicated the curls Elizabeth had coaxed into perfect submission and the color blooming on Elizabeth's cheeks and mouth.

"You know I don't-"

"Not here." Teyla's smile was brilliant in her own decorated face. "There is this... well, John called it meat market but they served drinks. We discovered it on the planet we explored last week. A man bought me a drink. John said all I had to do was smile at him."

Elizabeth had to choke back a laugh. "Most men expect more than just a smile."

This smile was full of knowing. "Yes. We should visit and see if we can discover the boundaries that most of those men will expect of us."

Title: Oops!
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character: Rodney McKay, Katie Brown
Word Count: 348
Prompt: 09- SGA, Rodney McKay, pink hearts at stargateland

"Seriously, this is a work place. Not a high school dance." Rodney ripped off the pink heart that someone had stuck onto the lab door while he'd gone for some lunch. Well, a snack, really but he'd missed lunch the last two days in a row and he'd decided to make up for the meals of just protein bars by getting his fair share of the vegetable soup they had out today. It shouldn't matter to anyone that today was the day before Valentine's Day. What a stupid reason for distraction when life-and-death hung in the balance... again.

There was a pink heart on each and every one of his computer monitors when he got to the desk he'd been working at when he left. When he looked around, he saw that every monitor had one taped exactly in the middle. This wasn't decorating. This was someone messing with his head. "John, this isn't funny," he growled. But this wasn't like either John or Ronon's usual antics. These were all perfectly formed, handmade pink hearts made out of... homemade paper. He could feel the pink petals pressed into the texture of the paper in his hand.

"Katie?" Now his paranoia was starting to get to him. But she hadn't talked to him in months. Not after he'd put that ring back in his pocket.

He looked up as door opened. Sure enough, Katie Brown stood in the opening. She didn't look happy to see him. In fact, she looked nauseous. "Rodney? They told me you wouldn't be back for at least an hour."

"You did this? For me?"

"No. I did it for-"

But Rodney didn't want to know who had taken his place. With a strangled sound, he let the crumpled pink heart drop to the ground as he made for the exit. Better to just go find a reason for a long lunch and see if things weren't back to normal when he got back. Or maybe, better yet, he'd just take the rest of the day off. Life-and-death could wait to be taken care of another day.

Title: Post Work Out Activities
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon Dex/Amelia Banks
Word Count: 289
Prompt: 38- SGA, Ronon Dex/Amelia Banks, teach me at stargateland

He held her hand lightly in his. It was so small for someone so fierce. They were both sweaty from the last hour they'd spent working through all the different drills that Ronon normally went through with the Marines. It took on a whole new dimension when he did it with her. Her motions were always fluid, like being able to see the words the poetry of his home world. There were times, while watching her move, that she made him miss everything he'd tried for years to forget.

As if she could read his mind, Amelia stood on tip toes so that she could reach his cheek. The kiss she placed there had the desired effect of bringing him out of his reverie and back to the present. "What?" he growled, trying not to smile.

"I lost you there for a moment."

"I didn't go far."

She smiled, taking her hand out of his grip. "Far enough. If you're not going to respond to my questions or my kisses, I might as well go take a shower."

"Can I come?" When she shook her head, he pulled her back into his grasp. With her this close, he could feel her heartbeats mingling with his. "How 'bout I take you with me, then?"

"Ah, you're learning."

Sweeping her up into his arms, Ronon headed for his quarters. Hers were much nicer but it was also down a corridor where more people were liable to turn up. This way, he could find places along the way to stop and make sure she was still in favor of this plan with plenty of kisses. It was a nicer plan than being continually interrupted. "Contrary to what Rodney thinks, I can be taught."

2011, stargate, !fanfic

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