Mid-week blues

Apr 13, 2011 21:14

Today was Dental Visit 1/2. I say that because the dentist decided, as he was digging ever deeper into the depths of this tooth, decided that he needed to take out HALF the tooth (there was a cavity that made the tooth weak and then it cracked and then the cavity decided to take advantage), which my nerves did not like one single bit. He packed it with some medicinal something or other and I'll be back to see him in a couple of weeks to (hopefully) get a filling.

I went without drugs to keep me calm! Hooray! On the downside, I did get THISCLOSE to fainting because I forgot the bit about breathing. The dentist said, "Are you expecting me to hurt you again?" and I realized that I was as tense as tense can be and that I hadn't breathed since he started talking about taking off half a tooth. He gave me a minute to compose myself and then we were good to go. My father didn't have to be called in from the other room (although he was worried about me because a little girl was getting a tooth pulled and was sobbing... and the man thought his 36 year old daughter was in trouble... and sounded like a little girl sobbing) and I have proven I can get through a meeting with the dental drill without fainting!

Afterwards, I asked to be dropped off at Barnes & Noble while Dad ran another errand. I got some books! Imagine that!

Black Wings by Christina Henry - As an agent of death, Madeline Black is responsible for escorting the souls of the dearly departed to the afterlife. It's a 24/7 job with a lousy benefits package.

The Sword of the Lady by S. M. Stirling - A Novel of the Change (and I just realized that I might already have this book.)

The Shapeshifters by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes - This book contains 5 complete novels: Hawksong, Snakecharm, Falcondance, Wolfcry, Wyvernhail and I'm just looking forward to some shapeshifting goodness!

Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Manchev - I bought this book for the cover but here's the back cover - Welcome to the Theatre Illuminata, where the characters of every play ever written can be found behind the curtain. The actors are bound to the Theatre by The Book, an ancient and magical tome of scripts. Bertie is not one of the actors, but they are her family. And she is about to lose them all because The Book has been threatened, and along with it the Theatre. It's the only home Bertie has ever known, and she has to find a way to save it. But first, there's the small problem of two handsome men, both vying for her attention. The course of true love never did run smooth....

The first three books in the Vampire Academy series (Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss) by Richelle Mead


Also, random story from work.

Customer: Do you have Align?
Me: Sure. It's right over here. (takes customer to probiotics area and then walks back)
Brad (pharmacist): Hey, I was glad you were here because I was going to tell her that we don't have a line. She's the only one here.
Me: (holds onto the counter to keep from falling over because I'm laughing so hard)

2011, books

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