They say that Monday is the start of a new week but I say it's the same ol', same ol'

Apr 11, 2011 23:56

1. START the satedan_grabass story that is still in the "at least I graphed it out" stage. (this took A LOT longer than I thought it would to get to a stage that I wasn't pulling my hair out of my head just thinking about it)
2. Finish the Sheldon/Penny story I started this weekend.
3. Post another chapter of WNFA at AO3.
4. Post another chapter of Bitter Girl at AO3.
5. Find an idea for the sga_genficathon... there must be one out there.
6. Write a damn Keladra story already.
7. Finish a book that is not a fanfic. (One of Our Thursdays is Missing was soooo goood!)

Oh, how I wish I could cross 5 off that list. I've got two weeks to get something sketched together for this one (rough draft is due on the 5th) and I haven't given it ONE SINGLE THOUGHT since I got it. I've got two more challenge fics to write that are due in June.

Can I just say that turning off the TV does a world of wonders for my writing! I usually leave it on and just try NOT to get distracted. For instance, my SGA story was at 1500 words on Sunday afternoon. Nothing was getting done. When Aster got offline, she said, "You need to turn off the TV and turn on Pandora." I reluctantly agreed with her and was at 4000 words by the time I went to bed! Tonight, same thing! I turned off the TV after watching SGU and got the last 1000 words in two hours.

Of course, what some people call watching TV, I call research so...

On to the new list:
1. Sketch out idea for sgareversebang story. Ten Kay. Eek!
2. Write out at least 1000 words of sga_genficathon story. Make those 1000 words count!
3. Finish up that Sheldon/Penny story that I haven't looked at in a week.
4. Post another chapter of Bitter Girl at AO3.
5. Send back shoes that didn't fit and attempt to find another pair that might fit at the same price.
6. Go through and make a list of all fanfic not on AO3 that needs to be converted to files for Kindle.
7. Finish a book that isn't fanfic!
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