Sunday Recap

Jan 16, 2011 19:24

Have you seen this? The Jurassic Park Theme slowed down ONE THOUSAND TIMES. It's a GORGEOUS piece of music that is now one hour long. *grins* Give it a try just to see just how beautiful it is.

Found it thanks to ohliberty!

I have Underworld muted on the TV while listening to this and it actually goes with the movie quite well. (Edit: WOW! The song ended at the EXACT SAME time as the movie!) I am a dichotomy lately (and I think I'm using that word correctly)... I have to have the TV on but I can't have the sound on the TV on. I need music. That is part of why I'm having trouble writing. I'm not able to focus without the TV... or with it!

Today, in an effort NOT to write, I did a bunch of things I don't normally do. I gave the cat a bath (she's fairly used to it so don't feel bad for her... she spends so much time outdoors at Mom & Dad's house that she STINKS). I started to clean and organize my front room. I made banners for 5_prompts and organized some of the behind the scenes stuff. I went looking for future pic prompts for the aforementioned community. Later, I plan on folding some laundry and watering the plants.

All that to say that I still am not at 10k and DEFINITELY not at 15k.

I'm thinking of joining Weight Watchers. I've spent the last month eating different variations of meals that are more "approved" by the system and seeing if I could live with fruit instead of candy. My problem with ANY weight loss plan is that I am a belligerent loser. YOU CAN NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO, WEIGHT LOSS PLAN! This is my gut reaction to anyone forcing me to do something I don't want to do. I don't want to eat better (although I don't mind eating better) and you definitely can't tell me to exercise. Even if you try to make it fun. The problem is that I need someone to tell me what to do. Hence the overweight! I can't do it on my own. What I really need is a sneaky weight loss plan. *grins*

A big part of my overall problem is that I get bored. So I eat. Or I join yet another community (but at least I haven't STARTED any new communities lately). Or I play useless games on Facebook. Or I look up randomness on Google. Or I buy books that sit in on my shelves FOREVER.

I need to work through this issue.

And I need to write!

Although I really do need to finish the cleaning/organizing of the front room project.

Yep. That's me. Not clean or organized just yet and definitely not writing.
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