Throwing Money at the Problem

Jan 15, 2011 10:03

As a Mod for a fanfic writing community, I like to keep an ear to the ground when it comes to authors allowing/not allowing fanfiction. I make sure that I have a current list of those authors that don't like it so that I'm, at the very least, aware of what I should or shouldn't allow on the community ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

meridian_rose January 15 2011, 18:29:45 UTC
I don't tend to write for books - the Yuletide crossover I did (Discworld book with a non-Discworld movie) was an exception (and Pratchett has a relatively laid back attitude to fic). As with Legend of the Seeker, I'd say the TV series is a different entity to the books they're based on, so fic is fair game now (perhaps with a disclaimer that it's tv-verse not book-verse).

As for research books, maybe. A friend set up her own alternative medicine business in her home and was able to claim VAT back on things like her massage table (directly related) and a sofa (non-direct but still useful for seeing clients). I guess it depends how good an accountant you get too :P


lar_laughs January 15 2011, 19:44:18 UTC
That was actually what I was trying to track down when I went looking for the info on GRRM. I want to know what his thoughts are on "tv-verse" instead of "book-verse" but I don't know if that's been covered yet. Does he have the right to say that people can't write for tv-verse? Does any writer? Would that be up to the owner of the tv series? I do agree that there are always subtle and not-so-subtle differences between the two -verses but I'm just not sure where the line is yet. Not that I'm expected a big influx of GoT stories at 5_prompts but I like to be prepared!


meridian_rose January 15 2011, 19:50:49 UTC
Does he have the right to say that people can't write for tv-verse? Probably not, because while he'll get credit for inventing the world, he isn't the direct owner of the show. And companies seem more concerned with things like videos (from their pov directly using actual material) than fic.


lar_laughs January 15 2011, 20:03:06 UTC
I would very much doubt he has any say over tv-verse. Could that be part of any contract that he signs with them? I doubt it and since I can't find anything on that, I'm going to say no but wanted to look around anyway. Guess if it's important, it'll come up again!


mfirefly10 January 15 2011, 19:11:17 UTC
I don't write for book fandoms so I've never really thought about it. And I tend to consider all television fair game for fanfic so...I never really stopped to think about whether or not TV writers approve of fanfic.


lar_laughs January 15 2011, 19:36:45 UTC
The only thing that I've ever found that's come close to saying whether or not TV fanfic is "encouraged" is here. Most people I know write fanfic for TV, as well, but it's interesting to keep in touch with what is going on with the whole topic of fanfiction.


hercircumstance January 15 2011, 19:41:58 UTC
Let us know what you think of Wild Cards. I'm all caught up on ASoIaF and reviews of Wild Cards online usually involve "GRRM should only write more ASoIaF" and doesn't get into the quality of Wild Cards on its own ( ... )


lar_laughs January 15 2011, 19:57:51 UTC
In most everything I've read on the subject (and I've read most every POV out there), I agree that it IS the author not understanding fanfic. Look at JKR! Of anyone, she's had the MOST fanfic (because it's hard to add up all the Star Trek and Star Wars stuff out there since a lot of it is pre-internet explosion) and she's fine with it. I remember stuff she put out before the last book came out where she was saying that there were certain fanfic writers who had come the closest to the idea for the last book and it seemed to delight her ( ... )


scifi_tv_addict January 15 2011, 20:02:03 UTC
I don't write fanfic, but I don't think I've ever searched out to see if the authors are okay with it. How often do people search out TV writers or screenwriters to see if they're okay with fanfic inspired from their creations? If you do it for books, I think you have to do it for ALL media. That's why I don't do it at all :P ( ... )


lar_laughs January 15 2011, 20:07:32 UTC
DG was very much "Its mine, you can't have it!" about her stuff which is why I will no longer read any of her books or suggest them to anyone to read or generally encourage her making of any money. She is hateful to fanfic writers and that is not okay.

GRRM is very matter-of-fact about his stance and I can see where he's coming from even if I don't agree with him therefore I'm all for him making money off his idea.

Since I know that not a lot of people are actively searching out this sort of stuff and I didn't even know that there was such a thing as people NOT wanting people to write their stuff until about 5 years ago, I try to make a point at keeping an open list of who you can or can't write for up at the community just so it opens people's eyes. That, and I don't want to be found negligent if anyone were to post anything there and then find out that they shouldn't have been posting it. Not that I see it as being a problem but I like to error on the side of right in this instance.


scifi_tv_addict January 15 2011, 20:23:20 UTC
Yeah, DG is a psycho with a deluded sense of her own self-worth. Apparently she's writing the bible over there - and no one is allowed to be inspired by anyone in any way EVER (or else it's stealing).

I get that in regards to a community you want to try to be as respectful a mod as you can be, that makes sense :) I just don't see it working on a more personal level...but that could be because fandom works (fics, vids, art, etc) are the very things that get me INTO something. Would I have been as invested in Stargate had the fandom not been there to encourage my love for certain things? Probably not.


gottalovev January 15 2011, 20:51:27 UTC
I know all about GRRM's stand on fanfic and I respectfully disagree. I do get that he wants to keep the control over his creation, but once they live in our hearts and in our minds, they take a life of their own.

that said, I have no idea if I'll write fanfic about ASOIF. I've known and loved the series for over 10 years, but I've never been tempted to write it, or even seek to read it. The characters are awesome, though, so I might be tempted. If I ever write fanfic, I think it will be kept in communities or locked up. I don't want to be "THERE: IN YOUR FACE GEORGE!" about it.

I never read anything else of him. Maybe I should try.


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