Throwing Money at the Problem

Jan 15, 2011 10:03

As a Mod for a fanfic writing community, I like to keep an ear to the ground when it comes to authors allowing/not allowing fanfiction. I make sure that I have a current list of those authors that don't like it so that I'm, at the very least, aware of what I should or shouldn't allow on the community.

With the coming of George R. R. Martin's successful A Song of Ice and Fire series to the small screen, I wondered if his stance to not allow fanfiction has changed. It doesn't appear that it has. Of course, this was an older article but the guy has put some thought into his stance so I doubt this "larger audience" is going to change anything.

I will be interested to see how many people come to this world and decide to write in it without even looking to see that he doesn't like fanfic. Do YOU check to see if your favorite author allows fanfic before you write in the world? I wonder because I'm pretty maniacal about it and have been for awhile... I don't know why for sure. It just seems like good sense to ask before playing in someone else's sand box.

All that being said, I'm enjoying the first book in the series. *grins* I'm so late to this game but I had some trouble finding the first book in the series (although I own the third). I guess I was just waiting for a good reason to start it. Now I have a good reason! I bought the e-book and the only thing I don't like much about this edition is that I can't flip back and forth to the map. I'm weird about that. Normally, I have this thing about books with maps... mostly because I want to look at the map all the time and I don't read the book! I get drawn in by the pretty lines and country names. I can't do that easily in the e-book. Guess I should count myself lucky!

Buying the first book of GRRM's shared-universe Wild Cards after reading about it at the above blog. Kind of thinking I might also buy Ex Heroes by Peter Clines. Wow! There are a lot of zombie stories with a strong military presence. Interesting sub-genre! I think I'm going to put Ex Heroes on my wish list because OMG I CAN'T BUY ANY MORE BOOKS, bound or electronic, until I get my finances assessed. Spending money on books isn't a write off just yet. I need to get published for that to happen and even then... I wonder if you COULD write off books as "research"?
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