The last day of the year

Dec 31, 2010 09:32

Wow. There are a lot of people on my flist and my team that aren't coming back to whedonland for Apocalypse 7. I'd made the decision about a month ago not to come back but made it official this morning. I just don't have the time to invest time in that particular land comm.

Sticking with the others that I have, though. They're a little less intense. That's the word I'll use. Intense.

In other news, my Christmas celebration is tomorrow and I'm home sick today. A stomach bug is going around and I think that's what I must have. Or it could be something I ate. I just don't know. I don't really want to pass this on so I don't know if I'll be headed home or not. I guess I'll just lay quietly on the couch today and see how it goes.
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