Blech! Ick!

Dec 30, 2010 21:13

I had such a crappy day. Poor new girl has come to the part of her time here where she knows things and so is off on her own and so the mistakes are just PILING UP. It makes me miserable for her because I know she's miserable but she's pressing on which makes me happy but I put a lot of blame on myself even though I keep telling myself that this is part of the normal progression and it's good that she's making mistakes... as long as it doesn't actually hurt anyone... but it still doesn't make for good times. So I look forward to my bright spots (lunch and the 10 minute break where I barricade myself in the bathroom and refuse to come out until I've had my entire break) with Aster and just try to deal.

I'm pretty sure I've got a bug and I'm trying to place which one from the starting symptoms and hoping against hope that it isn't a stomach thing because Christmas is on Saturday and since we do Christmas later than everyone else, a lot of them come to help us celebrate and I don't want to be sick for another Christmas!!!! I'm hoping it's just the stress of the day catching up with me. I'll go make some more tea (and put the tea bag on my eye since I also have a BE-U-TIFUL sty right now, too) and get comfortable on the couch with a movie.
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