*do the excited dance of new movie joy*

Dec 17, 2010 23:44


I am one happy Lar at the moment. Haven't watched it yet and probably won't get to until tomorrow but I have it. It is mine.

There are still many more things that I need to get in the mail that I need to have before we open Christmas presents... on January 1st. Have I mentioned that every other year my family does Christmas a week later than everyone else in the world? It's actually really cool because I can be later on shopping for my presents and it's okay. That also means that I get to relax quite a bit next weekend. *grins*

I've decided that I need to watch MORE of my shows on Hulu so they get the credit for my viewing that seeing them on my TV doesn't give them. Maybe, possibly, that would mean that they WOULDN'T GET CANCELLED. Right now I'm watching the first night of The Sing Off because I missed the first night altogether and most of the first half hour of the rest of the nights. My DVR isn't set up quite right at the moment and I'm too lazy to do anything about it.

Another storm is on it's way. That Pineapple Express is chugging up from Southern California to wreck havoc with our streets and sidewalks. It's supposed to be upon us tomorrow... hooray... *grins* Our weekly paper had some very harsh criticism for local people who aren't as polite to tourists as they should be. This is a tourist area, after all, and we depend on those tourist dollars. We also depend on the snow. Why is it that I'm back here when I hate both those things? Hmmm...

But another thing that our paper had in it this week was this article about the pizza that Ian Somerhalder brought to Jimmy Kimmel on his show. That pizza place is exactly one block away from where I work. Anyone want to come visit me NOW? *grins* I have yet to see Ian in person so can't add him officially to my list of "famous people with money" that I've seen in the valley but you never know these days.
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