Two Fics: Many Gifts (Dollhouse)/A Jaunt (Buffy)

Sep 19, 2010 20:28

Title: Many Gifts
Fandom: Dollhouse
Characters: Adelle/Dominic
Word Count: 189
Rating: all ages
Prompt: written for a sort of free-for-all challenge at whedonland and this picture at 5_prompts.
Author's Note: This is set during the Epitaphs but I'm not ruling out that it's after 2.

Adelle stared around her in wonder at the fall leaves that fluttered in the afternoon breeze “How did you find this place? What persuaded you to come down into the valley?” When he didn’t answer, she turned toward him with the question again on the tip of her tongue. His expression stopped her. “What?”

“You act as if every new thing is a gift. They’re just apples, Adelle. Not a gift from whatever god is supposed to be up there looking down on us.”

She folded her arms, a gesture he knew hid strong emotion. It wasn’t always easy to see what emotion that might be. He could guess, though. “How can you not call these gifts? We’ve been living on vegetables and rabbit. This will make the children happy.”

“And you? Will they make you happy?”

She gifted him with a smile. “Dominic, I have not stopped being happy since we arrived here. I have my friends,” she laid a hand on his shoulder so he knew he was included in the statement, “and we’re safe. These are all gifts and I know just how lucky we are.”

Title: A Jaunt
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Dawn, Xander/Anya
Word Count: 188
Rating: all ages
Prompt: written for a sort of free-for-all challenge at whedonland and just around the corner at 5_prompts.

“It’s just around the corner. I swear I saw it yesterday.” Dawn took off at a fast trot, stopping from time to time to make sure that Xander and Anya were following her. “Come on, slow pokes.”

“I don’t like this farm trip,” Anya complained, staring down at her shoes with disgust.

Xander tried to stifle his laughter but it was impossible. “Field trip. It’s field trip, Anya. Not farm trip.”

“Whatever.” She dismissed the correction with a shrug. “I thought we were going to spend a nice afternoon at the park. I bought park shoes.”

“Those are park shoes?”

Anya glared at him and then turned her glare toward Dawn as she yelled at them again. “What are we supposed to looking for again?”

“She thought there was a new ice cream shop. I can go for a cone.”

This news had softened Anya’s distain somewhat. She liked ice cream so she would put up with little walk for a block. If there wasn’t an ice cream shop at the end of this jaunt, she would show them just how angry an ex-vengence demon could be.

5_prompts, challenge, 2010, dollhouse, !fanfic, whedonverse

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