My one shot at fame! Tuesday night at 8pm

Sep 19, 2010 00:33

This is my TV show idea for scifiland. It may need some tweaking but I'll worry about that tomorrow! Time for bed!

Distant Horizons

The town of Nallins is just trying to survive. Their docking bay isn't as flashy as other docking bays in larger cities nearby so they don't get as much space traffic as they used to. They have no natural resources to be exploited and sold at a large profit to other town on larger planets. There is nothing they can do but close up and move on.

One group of townspeople decide they aren't going to give up without a fight. They pool their money together and start DISTANT HORIZONS, a recreation resort complete with all the amenities of the larger resorts plus the quaintness of a town that hasn't had a lot of modern rebuilding. It is the town that time forgot but they're hoping to change all that with some elbow grease and determination. They hope to have everything that a traveler might ever to have when they stay at a recreation resort, or, at least that's what the brochure says. Most of the citizens of Nallins have never been more than fifty thousand miles away and none of them have ever been beyond the ring of planets that make up the Delta Quadrant. Unfortunately, the Delta Quadrant is one of the least affluent sectors in the United Planets Affiliation and no one is exactly sure what a recreation resort SHOULD provide, only that they need to make their brochure look as appealing as possible to lure in the right guests. It all sounds good on paper but add together the different personalities of the people involved plus a few added guests with their own ideas of what they deserve and you've got a drama about to explode!

Some of the major players in this little drama:

Karsta -

Karsta started out a promising music student at Garrison Academy on the nearby planet of Hestera but something (or someone) has sent her running for the sanctuary of this small town. If there was any other way of making enough money to live on, she would never have voted for this idea. At the moment, Karsta's only plan is to lay low while playing for the different functions she's been asked to work at. She never counted on one of the first guests to the resort being Jamison ApGarr, the headmaster of the Garrison Academy. He's the only man alive who would know her just by her playing style. When he decides to put his hat into the ring and help out the struggling franchise (for no other reason than he's currently between jobs and "felt like it"), Karsta knows her days of hiding have come to an end.

Finnion -

One of the daughters of the Governor of Nallins, Finnion has been one of the voices for change for years. She has heard the stories of how great the town was in her grandfather's time and, armed with nothing but her passion for the area, has decided to do whatever it takes to make the area great again. She took a course by mail on how to fly the Corsair 580 Fusion Wing that Bannock was able to salvage together and has set herself up as the pilot of the official Nallins Express Service ship. Her plans are to expand as soon as the guest count warrants the action but for now she's more than happy to cruise through space with her trusty crew of three. She's ready to defy anyone or anything that gets in her way of bringing guests to the recreation resort, even though she's not exactly sure what that will mean when it all comes down to the first battle for customers.

Glorietta -

Glory owned the one real business in town that had thrived when nothing else seemed to be able to stay afloat. She was tempted to turn down the offer of mixing drinks and providing companionship at the recreation resort but knew that she'd never be able to start over if she left. The secret of her success for all these years hasn't been the word of mouth advertising as she's been telling people. No, Glorietta knows it's all about location. Specifically, the cavern of glowing crystals that are underneath her storefront that have always seemed to lure in the right customers. She convinces the rest of the group to build on the site (for a hefty cut of the profits) and give her the position of Services Manager, a seeming step down from what people expected of her but one that will give her the best vantage point to her treasure. With any luck, she'll be able to keep her secret safe and still walk away with a tidy profit!

Bannock -

Bannock has always dreamed of flying away from Nallins and never looking back. He spent his childhood staring at the stars and memorizing the name of every possible ship that could carry him away on the forty-five different shipping routes leading from the planet. Soon he was dreaming of tearing apart a Houstanzi 900 model and rebuilding it to get better use of the solar flares. When Finnion asks him to help her get a fleet together of working space ships for this new enterprise, he surprises everyone (including himself) by saying yes. Now he's found that he enjoys spending time with his boss just as much as he enjoys tinkering on her machines. When her dreams become bigger than she can manage alone, Bannock finds himself stepping in to offer assistance even though he's finally begun to see what a future for him somewhere else might be like.

R.J. -

The sport of Nackerbast hasn't been the same since R.J. ApNaas was caught cheating, both on the pitch and off. He's enjoyed his time in the spotlight, laughing off criticism and enthusiasm alike. His agent all but forces him to take a vacation until this tide of negativity is swept aside, something only that time and less attention will be able to accomplish. The brochure for Distant Horizons couldn't have come at a better time but R.J. isn't so sure that he wants to be forced to a place that only gets East Conference games. He doesn't like that no one will know his name or his reputation, and he especially doesn't like that people look right through him as if he doesn't exist. As one of the first tourists to the recreation resort, R.J. learns that there is more to life than Nackerbast and definitely more real turmoil than he can create with a trademark smile. When he's called on to help. R.J. must decide if he's going to be a stand up guy or if he's going to let his past get in the way of his future.
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