Land Comms

Sep 09, 2010 22:55

Guess who is a proud member of scifiland's Team AntiHero?

ME! Well, as soon as I get my invite to the team comm, that is.

Anyone want to make me a snazzy sigtag? *bats eyelashes*

I'm going to give some up at the break. Thinking seriously about giving up whedonland which would make me incredibly sad as I have all sorts of friends there but a lot of them seem to be leaving, too. My team is still wonderful but I don't feel that the community in general is as deserving of my loyalty.

I enjoy the challenges at themiddleearth but kinda feel like I'm floating off by myself. Part of the problem is that I don't really know anyone on my team and they don't do a lot of social things.

*sigh* castleland is going to go. I like the comm and I like my team but I have no muse where Castle is concerned. How sad is that?

leverageland is iffy at this point. inception_land looked to be dying but it was revived but I've had nothing good happen at that comm so I'm going to let them cut me. I was called "hon" by a 18 year old. It's just wrong.
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