StandUp4Cancer telethon - Friday

Sep 09, 2010 22:32

I twittered about it and thought I better put it here, too!

46 Mommas shaved their heads on Tuesday in support of their kids... who have cancer. You'll see more about their story tomorrow night (Sept 10) on the StandUp4Cancer telethon. Check it out at the links below! This is a really cool thing for such a large group of women to do together. Women, more than men, have a hard time shaving their head, even for a good cause. There are usually tears... and not just at the moment the hair comes off. Women today have so much of their identity in their hair. And why not? Society thinks it's an important thing to have beautiful hair.

Each year, in March, I shave my hair off for the National St. Baldrick's Day. This year it's either the 13th or the 14th. I'm looking forward to my third year shaving (fourth year being a part) because I like that I'm doing something to help raise money AND raise awareness that childhood cancer is so prevalent. People love watching my hair grow out (Do I? No.) and mention it ALL the time. I only let people heckle me if they sponsored me but there is very little of that. I'm sure people say more behind my back but to my face they only have positive responses.

Is it hard to shave your head? No.

Is it hard to have cancer? Yes.

I've done both and I'll take shaving my head every time!

The 46 Mommas' St. Baldricks site
My St. Baldricks site
The USA Today article
Info on the telethon
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