Fic: Who I Am

Aug 24, 2010 23:36

FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHARACTERS: Sirius, James, Peter, Remus
PROMPT: scaratthedisco requested Sirius - Gillyweed at the first_order Drabble-A-Thon ... sorry that the rest of the Marauders joined him!
SUMMARY: Even the females in the middle of the lake like Sirius.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

“It’s green. Look for something green.”

Sirius glared over his shoulder, holding on tight to the quivering ladder. “I figured that out on my own, Pete, but thanks for the help with all the obvious clues. Come on, Remus. I could use some of your startling insights right about now. What exactly am I looking for?”

“Gillyweed,” James muttered from his position across the hall from the dark opening. “Or were you not part of that conversation?”

“I heard that, Potter. Lot of help you’ve ended up being.”

“Not my idea, Black. This is all you. This obsession of yours is getting cumbersome.”

“Great.” Sirius began searching the shelves once again, hoping against hope he might find a labeled bottle with the ingredient he needed or they were going to be here all night.


The water was calm near the shore but that wasn’t where the Merpeople normally hung out. He knew that he was going to need to get much deeper if he was going to find Na’ame again. Hopefully he’d found enough Gillyweed to last a little longer than an hour this time or he was going to end up drowning in the middle of the lake.

“Wait, Black.” The words floated through the mists of midnight. “You’ll need this.”

A strange shape, flat on top with six legs sticking out of the bottom, was walking toward him. Just in case, he tightened his grip on his wand. No telling what might come out of the Forbidden Forest. James pushed the boat up so that his face was visible.

“Swimming clear out to the middle of the lake would be insanity. If you want to meet that... girl, you’ll need a better way. We’ll row you out and wait so that you don’t have to swim back. With those puny arms, you’ll never get back in time for classes tomorrow.”

Sirius couldn’t help smiling at his best friend. They’d had some harsh words between them since he’d met Na’ame but it looked like it wasn’t enough to harm the friendship. “Thanks, Potter.”

James shrugged. “I’m not doing it for you. Remus says he won’t do my Potions homework for me if I don’t help-”

“I never-”

“We better hurry. Don’t want Black to miss his date with his green-faced love.”

It was hard not to blush even though it would be impossible to see his cheeks grow red on such a dark night. There was no telling if he was going to see Na’ame again and he knew that this would probably be the last time if he was able to find her. Humans and merfolk were not meant to be together, after all. It was nice to know that his friends were going to stick behind him through this craziness.

He pulled the bottle of gillyweed from his pocket. The glass captured bits of the light from the thin moon so that he could make out the green plant inside. “No.”

“What?” Peter stumbled, nearly taking down the two others that were still holding onto the boat. “But we got you the gillyweed. We’re bringing you a boat. You have to go see her.”

“Who says I have to? This is a fool’s errand. There are plenty of girls on dry land with two legs.”

This time Peter actually stomped his foot. “But you love her!”

Sirius tossed the bottle up into the air several times. “I think what I love is that I’m different. No one else wants to make out with a mermaid so I guess I’ll do it. No one else wants to try breaking into the Potions cupboard so that makes it something I want to do.” He caught the bottle and put it back into his pocket. “And no one else wanted to befriend a chubby little boy on the train that first day so I walked up and talked to him. Don’t try to change me, Pete. I don’t think it’ll go well for you if you do.”

first order, 2010, !fanfic, gryffindor

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