Full Moon

Aug 24, 2010 22:20

I never knew when the full moon was until I started working as a Pharmacy Technician. Now I can tell you when it starts to wax and wane. Yep, I've become a moon watcher. Me and the werewolves, we fear the full moon.

Do you know why? Because people get weird around the full moon. It's true! I get more incredulous looks and stupid questions during a full moon phase. Old people want to argue with me and young people don't listen to a word I say. And the strange ones... *shudders*... oh, the strange ones. They make me want to stay home, under the covers.

Today I had to convince a little old lady that she needed to keep her insurance (and go talk to someone who could help her with it since I'm not allowed, by law, to help anyone pick a specific insurance plan) by telling her that paying her premiums was like paying the water company. "You pay them to bring you water so you don't have to go down to the river to get it yourself." I figured she was old enough to have carted her own water from the river. While this woman is always sort of cantankerous, she gets worse during a full moon.

My cat, who is probably also under the influence of the moon but is being rather subdued of late) has decided she wants nothing to do with any of her other toys and will only play with a knotted plastic bag (I knot them so they take up less space in my "empty bag" container) and the toilet paper I just bought. Why can I not buy her love??? *grins* I know, I know. She's a cat.
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