Fic: Right Outside

Apr 26, 2010 22:49

TITLE: Right Outside
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Harry/Pansy
PROMPT: for what it's worth at sortinghatdrabs
SUMMARY: Sometimes Harry gets tired of being pushed around and Pansy doesn't matter one bit.
WARNINGS" There's some anger and it's definitely not a nice story
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

The door was still quivering when the knob started to turn again. Pansy sank back on the cushions, trying her best to look like a woman who didn’t care. She feared one quiver of her lip would give it away and then all would be lost. At this juncture, she very much wanted to be the one who won.

“Yes?” she asked, with just the barest hint of animosity colouring her words. “Did you leave something behind? Your pride, perhaps?”

Harry’s glasses were slightly askew. “If I left anything behind, it would probably be my common sense. No, I take that back. I have to leave it on the other side of the door when I come into the room. I’m assuming it’s still there.”

“For what it’s worth-“

“Don’t.” He came toward her, his steps firm and decisive. A ripple of fear and longing ran from the tips of Pansy’s fingers to her toes. She loved it when he acted like this, like he was in charge and didn’t do her bidding because he was scared of her. There wasn’t anyone else who could pull it off quite like Harry when he was in the right mood. And now he was playing more rough than usual.

It would have been wrong to giggle but that was exactly what Pansy did as Harry straddled her. How unlike her, but he wasn’t exactly acting like he normally did. There was anger in those green eyes. She pulled off his glasses and put them on the table beside the bed. Pity if they got broken in any scuffle that might break out.

“Do it,” she whispered, licking her lips. “Do it now.”

He shook his head. “Quit telling me what to do, Pansy. I leave when you want me to leave and come when you want me to come. What about what I want?”

It was hard not to smile as a deep satisfaction filled her. She liked that he understood their relationship. So many didn’t.

He kissed her, hard and fast. Before she could even analyse what she was feeling, he was gone. Not on top of her. Not on the bed. Not in the room. For a moment, she wondered if she hadn’t imagined him. Or maybe he was still on the other side of the door.

slytherin, challenge, 2010, gryffindor

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