Fic: Drenched in Power

Apr 26, 2010 22:40

TITLE: Drenched in Power
FANDOM: Buffy/Whedonverse
PAIRING: Willow, Giles
PROMPT: someone needs to be wet at the April Showers writing challenge at whedonland
SUMMARY: Willow discovers some earth magic.
DISCLAIMER: Joss is king. Sometimes I write a few scenes from his universe.

Willow let out a screech of anger as the water suddenly stopped moving in the direction she had been sending it. Instead of the gentle spray she had been hoping for, she was drenched with a cold rain. “So much for watering the plants,” she muttered, wishing she could use all her powers for this task. Not having all of them at her disposal was so irritating, not to mention rather drippy.

“Having trouble?”

She tried not to grimace as Giles came up beside her, looking as dry as ever. “Nothing I can’t fix with a new pair of trousers and cardigan.”

“Getting the venacular down, I see. Good. I was thinking this might be too much for you.”

Willow flicked a droplet of water off her nose with her finger… and suddenly she could feel maglic like she had never experienced from every droplet. The water was vibrating with a power she’d never expeienced before. It was… it was exactly what the coven had been trying to teach her over these last weeks.


Giles put his arm around her as if she was having trouble standing up. Maybe she was. She couldn’t quite tell. Everything was distorted, including her own body. She would have answered him back but nothing was doing her bidding. Her body waited to see what the magic would do.

“Are you alright?”

She wasn’t sure of the answer to that. Not yet at least. It took some effort but she was able to nod her head. Maybe if he stopped worrying, he’d quit clutching at her. Bruising her skin wasn’t going to help the situation any.

Taking a deep breath, Willow listened as the natural magic held within the water spoke to her of the lessons she needed to learn from this experience. She was a spectator, neither taking nor inparting any magic. This was just one of the many lessons she needed to learn; a single step down a long and arduous road that would lead, with all hope, to a Willow that could live with her magic without being made into a pawn by it.

challenge, 2010, btvs, whedonverse

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