Some items of interest:
TV I'm watching
I believe I am now on Season Three of Supernatural. This makes me happy as I will soon know all about Castiel. All the talk I've heard of him makes me very eager to get to the episodes he's in.
Started Merlin tonight. Seems the marathon on SyFy either didn't show all of the first season or my DVR missed some. Will have to figure out how many I missed and either get the DVDs from Netflix or watch them on Hulu.
The first DVD of Battlestar Galactica made my little heart sing last night. How could I have NOT known about that show? It's amazing! I'm very excited to get to see it.
I've got 6 more episodes left and I'll have seen all of Angel - finally! It's taken long enough!
Writing I should be doing
All I have left to write for the rest of the month is the Castlewriter story and my Marauder Big Bang. I know I keep harping on both of those stories but they the most important that I have coming up. One's original and one's just really big.
Books I've read lately
The Secret Swan by Shana Abe - This author hasn't let me down yet and I doubt she ever will!
Mortal Coils by Eric Nylund - Very cool book! I love the mythology created by this book and CAN'T WAIT for the next book.
Clapton - The Autobiography by Eric Clapton - This was at work because one of the girls hasn't taken it home yet so I read it when I was between books one day. It's not what I would have read if given a choice but it was pretty good!
Book I'm reading right now
Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay - very impressed with her paranormal mythology and characterization. It's something new in a genre that's getting older and more mundane all the time.
Movies I've seen in the theater recently
Went and saw
Clash of the Titans with Randye and some of the other girls from work. I liked it but I wish they hadn't tried to keep so many things from the old movie. Or maybe they weren't from the old movie and I just thought they looked dated.
My current Facebook passion
SCRABBLE! Man, I hate the board game but I love the internet version. I've got 10 games going right now and losing almost half of them... because I'm playing those against Gloria and I don't think I'll ever beat her. But I'm getting better.
Last but not least...
I still have one Cadbury Egg left over from the Bunny's visit. I'm going to eat it right now. Mmmm...