February & March Fic List

Apr 03, 2010 22:28

Together (Illyria)
Karaoke Night is for Demons (Oz, Lorne)
One in a Million Firefly Big Bang fic (Mal/Faith)
Come Out and Play (Dru/Fred - implied femmeslash)

Harry Potter
Out of the Loop 8/13 (Kingsley/Dorcas)
At the Edge of Destiny 9/13 (Kingsley/Dorcas
Always the Safe Zone (Bill/Fleur, Charlie/Tonks)
Hell With All the Rest (Benjy Fenwick and others)
What the Heart Truly Hears Fic Fest Entry (McGonagall/Hooch - implied femmeslash)

Decisions (Parker, Sophie)

The Big Bang Theory
Out of Synch (Penny/Sheldon)

Two Against One (Will/Emma)

Coming in to Her Own (Alexis, Rick)

New Year Drabbles
Resolution (Twilight - Carlisle, Jacob, Bella)

fic list, fandom rundown, 2010

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