Drabble: In Secret

Dec 20, 2009 00:14

Title: In Secret
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Alice/Sirius
Word Count: 317
Prompt: for scaratthedisco who requested Sirius/Alice - in secret at the first_order Drabble-A-Thon (even though I swore I wasn't going to do anymore until I got more written on other assignments, I truly could no resist this prompt as it gave me a little thrill when I saw it)

A single light bulb swung from the ceiling, making the shadows dance to a rhythm only the stone walls truly heard. This wasn't a room on any of the usual Hogwarts tours. Very few students knew it existed if the level of dust was any indication. It was a perfect place to meet but Alice hated having to explain why there was something slightly off about her clothing when she came back from her evening rambles. There wasn't a spell that she could find that would take out all the dust. A layer of grime always persisted.

Sirius, on the other hand, had no problem with getting dirty. He seemed to revel in the dirt, rolling in it like a puppy. "I'll lick you clean, Alice. Don't worry so much." He was on his knees in the middle of the room, his expression both playful and pained as he once again coaxed her forward. Such a beautiful smile he had. She never could resist him. As he beckoned, she walked forward until his forehead was leaning against her stomach and her hands were lost in his thick hair.

"Our secret," he whispered, his deep voice rumbling through her bones and sinew until they were mush. "This doesn't belong to anyone else."

Alice thought of her friends who were suddenly easy to convince she was nervous about the N.E.W.T.s coming up. Of the boy whose hand she held in the Gryffindor Common Room as if it was enough of a promise for the future. Of parents who expected so much of their daughter and never thought to ask what she might want. And then Sirius smiled at her again, his eyes in shadow and then bright again as the light bulb continued to swing.

"Our secret," she answered, banishing thoughts of everyone but this one boy that she knew she'd never be able to hold on to.

2009, first order

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