Fic (Winner!): Rue the Day

Oct 08, 2009 09:39

Look at this pretty that I just found out I won!

It is for this story:

Title: Rue the Day
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Hermione, Snape
Prompt: Wolfsbane and above characters at sortinghatdrabs
Word Count: 404
Warnings: None
Rating: PG

There was nothing left to do but open the door and walk in. I’m the greatest witch of my generation, she repeated to herself. It wasn’t something she really believed but it was a nice mantra in this situation.

“Come in,” Professor Snape called once again, his voice already dripping with irritation.

Hermione smoothed her hair away from her face, lifting her chin so that she might look much more confident than she really was. Her hand on the doorknob shook so hard that she couldn’t grasp the handle well enough to turn it.

Before she could try to get her nerves under control, the door flew open. “Is this some- Oh, Miss Granger. To what do I owe this honour?” If it was possible, he sounded more irritated than he had before. But he hadn’t told her to leave. That was a good sign.

“Sir, I was considering my future and I believe that it would behoove me to learn how to make the Wolfsbane Potion.” Her words were rather rushed and she stammered through the word Wolfsbane but she’d actually said the words out loud to someone other than the image in the mirror. All he could do now was tell her...


The door slammed shut. For a few seconds, she stared at the wooden panel in front of her as if she wasn’t exactly sure what she was looking at. Had he really just been that rude? Righteous indignation filled her. She was Hermione Granger! She was the greatest witch of her generation!

“Alohamora,” she called out, her wand waving through the air with more speed than grace. “I don’t think you heard me, sir.”

“I heard you, Miss Granger,” he called from somewhere to the right but it was impossible to see him in the dim light of the room. “Perhaps you didn’t hear me? I said no.”



A great wind pushed her back out through the opening before the door slammed shut of its own volition. Hermione was shaking, she was so angry. There were more ways than debasing herself for his amusement to learn to make the intricate potion. Surely there was a book on it somewhere. She’d do what she always did in this situation - she would start researching. No professor was going to make a fool of her like this. She would make him rue the day he had ever turned her away.

2009, slytherin, challenge, gryffindor

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