Is it already Tuesday?

Oct 06, 2009 22:11

Anyone else watch Stargate Universe? Caught the two-parter on Hulu (where I'm spending most of my time these days... I'm glad they have nearly everything that I need to watch!) and really enjoyed it. Like the concept. There's room to play in the shadows which always makes me happy. *grins* And Robert Carlyle FTW!

Need to watch Castle next. Probably won't get to it today. Maybe this weekend.

Bought some baby pumpkins. Don't know yet what I'm going to do with them. Not carve them as I think that carving pumpkins is NASTY and don't like it much. Maybe painting. Maybe I'll glue buttons on it. I'd like to poke things into it but that's right up there with carving. Oh well.

Really loving my new phone! There are some things that are so much better and many of the "differences" are easy to get used to. Saw a lady with the same one and she has a cover so I'm thinking I need one of those, too! That way I won't feel as bad when I drop it. Granted, I try not to do it often. *frowns*

The flu is running rampant through the schools here. Gah! People came in all day asking for "Theraflu" because isn't that the wonder drug they've been talking about? We've been trying not to smirk. "Do you mean Tamiflu? And you need a prescription." People think it's like Tylenol... you don't take it to NOT get the flu, idiots. Seriously... this is why they should ban news people from actually saying brand names in their broadcasts. It only leads to aggravated Pharmacy Techs. I just hopehopehopehopehope I don't get it. Really don't want to be sick this winter.
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