June in review

Jun 28, 2009 21:04

The good:

* On the 4th, I got to go back to StL and see my friends. And then we saw RENT, for what will possibly be the last time (as this is the last tour). Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp, two OBC members reprised their roles. Adam Pascal was good, as I expected. Anthony Rapp, on the other hand, is a god amongst men. Verily. Seriously, he was afuckingmazing. And gracious and humble, and he came out at the end to the stage door and signed autographs. A god amongst men.

The bad:

* Our basement (where my room is) has flooded between five and seven times in the last month. The first time we rearranged and mopped, and it was fine. Time two, a week and a half later, I took the day off of work, we rearranged and mopped again. Time three was four days later, time four two days after that. My family rallied the troops, called in a bevy of teenagers, mopped it all up, and that was all well and good. That was last weekend. It was clean for about 2 days. It flooded twice this past week.

We think we might now know what the problem is, thanks to my uncle who works in construction coming over and looking around.

Because it has been so damp down there, we have mold growing streaks up the walls down there (yay drywall). When I was bleaching today, I counted at least four different kinds. It also won't come off of the walls. We're going to have to pretty much replace the walls.

Along with that, the insurance company is dicking us around saying that flood damage isn't covered by our policy. Fucking awesome.

Oh, and my mom broke her wrist while I was in StL, only she thought she had just sprained it so she wrapped it and didn't go to the hospital, but now three weeks later the swelling finally went down and she could see that the bones were out of place and so my aunt finally convinced her to go to the hospital, which she didn't want to do because she has no insurance.

* The keyboard on my beloved near five year old laptop has started dying. Certain keys do not work anymore, like the numbers five and six, the dash, the delete key, and one control key. :(

* Did I mention the toxic mold? What about the fact that the thought of going into the basement makes me want to cry (and has)? What about the fact that after a week sleeping on a futon, I've now moved to a mattress on the computer room floor?

The cute:

The one on his own I think may possibly come to live with us.

Funny story, SPN peoples.

So my mom has always wanted a black cat. And this little guy, the only boy of the three kittens, is all black except for a tiny little star on his chest. So we were cooing over him, and I jokingly said that we should adopt him and name him Sam, because my cat Dean needs a little brother. And then my neighbor, who's cat had the kittens, comes in and says, "You should name him Satan, because he's clearly evil." (this was like, the week after the finale) And mom and I looked at each other and burst out laughing, and he's been Sam ever since. And he is so. fucking. cute.

kitteh, real life sucks, rent

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