Spring has well and truly reached Minnesota. It's warm enough for t-shirts and sandals and things are at least starting to think about turning green.
One of the things I love about it here is that we have seasons. Admittedly some do not last long nor do they always come in their expected order, but they are there and their changing is one of the few temporal markers I seem to have these days.
My CSA starts in three weeks!
I have an account over at Dreamwidth. I am lapillus there as I am on lj (I had a brief notion of claiming Carol_S and may yet once open beta starts but I figured that for now consistancy would win) and am currently playing with cross-posting (as those of you following along on DW will note. I hope.)
For the moment I will probably be cross-posting to both. This may change once open beta is upon us, or at least once it ends. Or it may not. In any event I will post on LJ if I plan on changing this. The only things I may not cross-post are link dumps that I'm considering (I figure if I'm in the closed beta I should generate at least a bit load to help with the testing). For the moment I'm encircling (or whatever the appropriate verb is for the DW equivalent of friending) everyone who does the same with me. Once usage, mine and others shakes out, this may very well change. Or not. In the long run I'm hoping to do my reading via DW especially if the manage to get some inter-service kinks worked out, although I'm sure I'll keep my lj account alive to be able to interact with a variety of communities here that I have no expectation of seeing move. I haven't moved old posts over yet because I'm waiting for a slightly improved importer.
I have two vids that are at least completed rough drafts. The first in longer than I care to comtemplate. And I'm planning on working on another starting tonight.