1. Reply to this post (putting up your hand), and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
ETA: Spoilers for Gyakuten Saiban aka Phoenix Wright aka Ace Attorney ahead. Like, major ones. As in, Scarlett you may finally understand why I love Godot so much and why you would too.
mijan picked out these six,
So the images are from
XKCD, one of the most intelligent webcomics I've ever read. It's not got any overarching plot, but it's about "Romance, sarcasm, math, and language." Also sometimes science. As for the icon itself, I don't know where it came from or who made it (I may have known at one point, in which case the attribution is on my icons page) or why but I'm CERTAIN that there is a song that goes along with it. Unfortunately, the song that plays in my head doesn't really mesh with the "boom-de-yada boom-de-yada" parts. Regardless, it is a fun song! I hardly ever use the actual icon though.
Dear diary,
Nothing seems to be going right today.
Alright, so the character pictured is a defense attorney, the main character of a DS-based series of games called Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It is often shortened to Ace Attorney, since the fourth game in the series is called Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. In addition, all four Japanese games are called Gyakuten Saiban, so sometimes it's called that. This will change soon to simply Gyakuten, as the fifth game (where you play as a prosecutor rather than a defense attorney) is called Gyakuten Kenji in Japan and probably something crazy in the US.
ANYWAY. He has just done something either phenomentally stupid OR phenomenally clever, thus prompting his current prosecutorial opponent (from game three) to throw his ever-present mug of coffee at him. The first time this happened while I was playing I stayed on that screen for ages because it was AWESOME and I didn't think it would happen again.
Anyway, so somebody made this icon and I saw it and I had to have it because that is probably my favorite moment from any of the games ever. (Except possibly any of the OTHER moments with that particular prosecutor. Not only is he hot, he's ansgty! AND DISABLED. He is the perfect man.)
Okay so my friend
aggybird did NaNoWriMo a year or two ago and came out with Greg the Vampire, a story I have mentioned many many times in this journal because BTW IT IS FREAKING AWESOME. :D It has whiny angsty emo vampires and adorable gargoyle orphans with lisps and sexy philanthropic phoenixes and I just realized I'm not wearing any underwear. IT IS THE WRONG TIME OF MONTH FOR THAT I WILL BE RIGHT BACK.
Disaster averted. ANYWAY the fic is
here and it is awesome. Interesting tidbit: for about half a chapter I thought it was a very very AU HP fanfic with Greg/Lucius as the main pairing. This was very stupid of me, I admit, but I found her through a fandomer's journal and it was never explicitly stated that it was original.
So you remember that angsty prosecutor from Gyakuten, mentioned above in icon #2? This lady tried to kill him and instead put him in a five-year coma wherein he was blinded, his hair turned white, and his girlfriend was murdered. Eventually, this lady is not only brought to justice once and given the death penalty (in-game, consequence for murder is death, also she fucked up a LOT of people, there is no way to summarize it) but brought to justice again with the help of the spirit-channeler who is the main character's assistant/love interest and also the prosecutor's girlfriend's little sister. Oh and did I mention that said prosecutor's girlfriend was the main character's mentor in lawyering? Relationships in this game are complex, apparently; good thing they are introduced slowly.
Anyway, so this lady is an evil bitch, and she is angryyyy in this picture. And I use this icon when I am angryyyy. (Although very rarely am I angry because my plot to get revenge by getting someone convicted of murder failed. Those plans just never fail for me. :P)
This is from that same game! Main character again. The person he's talking about is the main prosecutor in the first game, and in the second and third games, a close friend (who is also a prosecutor). All the things he is saying are canon, though you learn this slowly and over a long period of time (three games). Except for the part about being gay, anyway, because hello this prosecutor wears a magenta suit and a ruffled cravat and WHAT IS MORE GAY THAN THAT, I ASK YOU. (Although somehow he manages to still be very masculine. I wonder how.)
Umm, you know, I feel like I should name all these people. The main character is Phoenix Wright, often called Nick.
His assistant is Maya Fey, and his dead mentor who was Maya's sister is Mia.
Their little cousin is Pearl Fey.
Her mother is Morgan Fey (the allusion to Arthurian legend is not an accident).
Pearl's half-sister from icon #4 is Dahlia Hawthorne, and her identical twin is Iris Fey.
The coffee-throwing prosecutor from #2 is Godot; before the coma he was a defense attorney called Diego Armando. Yes he is Spanish. NO HE DOES NOT SPEAK SPANISH, OR IF HE DOES THEN WHEN HE SPEAKS ENGLISH HE SPEAKS ONLY ENGLISH. Apprantly fanficcers don't realize that their characters' speech patterns should MATCH THOSE OF THE SOURCE MATERIAL. /petpeeve
The main prosecutor in the first game who recurs constantly throught the second and third is Miles Edgeworth. I could go onnnnn but I won't because YOU SHOULD JUST PLAY THE GAME.
Okay. This might take some explaining. This is a pretty common icon in this inverted style and in the original style, found
here. I also have three others, in which the cat is white but the tongue and eyes change color: blue, green, and purple. I don't keep them all uploaded because honestly, what is the point? Plus I have limited icon space. It's my default because hi, I am a cat, I don't know if you've met me but if you had you'd know that.
Actually, that one took less explaining than all the rest. Oh well! The Gyakuten ones were fun.
That was fun. :D Current icon used so that people can get a look at Diego before the coma. During the game, his quote at that moment is "A lawyer never cries until it's all over."