In the Words of... 16/18

Aug 26, 2011 15:39

Title: In the Words of
Author: laotse4
Rating: pg-13

Chapter 15
Sam had asked Rachel out, and she had said yes, but if he had known that he would feel like this, well then he would have waited to ask her out, asking Rachel out for a date on Friday when the day of the asking was Tuesday, and then kind of kiss her, normally that wouldn’t be a problem for Sam.

But this time it was a problem for him, he had told her that there wouldn’t be any more kissing until after the date on Friday, and seeing that it was almost three whole days without kissing her, well that was a problem, especially when you really, really like the girl that you are going to go out with.

As he had walked in at his house, he had more or less sunk down on the couch and he had been flipping through the channels without finding anything to watch, at first he had thought about watching Avatar again but he had changed his mind, he wasn’t going to make the same mistake he had made with Quinn and Santana, being too dorky but then again, this was Rachel Berry, and she had told him that she liked his dorky side, it was all too confusing.

“can you go and get you brother?” Sam heard his mother talk his sister or his brother, he wasn’t sure of whom it was that was going to get him.

“Sam!” hearing his name being yelled like that meant that it was Cody, and not Grace, and he was really brought back to what was going on around him.

“You know you don’t have to yell like that,” Sam said as he walked to the kitchen were the rest of the family was gathered.

“Oh, I know that,” Cody said and he stuck out his tongue at his older brother, “But where is the fun in that.”

“Sam, you were late,” Lydia said as he looked at her oldest son.

“I know,” Sam sighed and he rested his head in his hands, “I had to stay after Glee and then I stopped at Rachel’s for a while.”

“Sam and Rachel sitting in a tree…” Grace said as she heard Sam’s friend’s name, Sam started to blush a little, this time it was kind of true.


The days before Friday, didn’t pass as fast as Sam had hoped and from what he could tell Rachel felt the same, maybe he should have suggested that the should have gone out earlier, just to have that fist date over and that would mean that he could have serenaded her so much better on Friday, when he was planning on singing for her during Glee. He had had the time to find the song that he wanted to sing to her, one thing that he knew that she liked besides different Showtunes was more classicsongs, and that was what he was gunning at.


It was finally Friday and he was going to sing to her but when he got to the choir room, there were a note on the door telling them that Mr. Schue had to leave earlier that day and that Glee was canceled, and this time it was kind of good, at least for Sam.

He would have the time to really prepare for the date tonight and then he would sing to Rachel on Monday, when she was his girlfriend, officially, he had seen her as a girlfriend ever since she had agreed to go on a date with him.


“Berry,” Rachel looked up to see who it was that was calling her last name.

“Puckerman,” she replied when she saw Puck walking up to her.

“So what are you doing tonight?” Her fellow Jew asked her, Rachel was kind of surprised that Puck didn’t know about the date but then again she herself had kept it quite, and Kurt didn’t know about it, the only ones besides Sam that new about the date was her dads mostly because her dad had been home when Sam had asked her and he had to tell her other dad.

“I do have plans for tonight but thank you for asking,” Rachel said as she took her backpack and put some of the books that she would need during the weekend.

“I’m sure that your dads will understand if you blow them of for a Puckerman party tonight,” Puck said and placed his arm around her waist and he led her out the school.

“I happen to have other kind of plans,” Rachel told him and moved his arm away from her waist, “if you have to know I have plans with Sam.”

“Evans,” Puck sighed and tilted his head back and looked up at the sky, he should have known, and that would mean that it was a date, and if this date went good, then it would be one more during the weekend and that meant that they would make it official on Monday, Tuesday at the latest.

“Yes, Sam,” Rachel said and looked at her friend, “and if you don’t mind I have to get home so that I will be ready when he comes,” Puck looked at her and wiggled his eyebrows up and down, “You have a dirty mind, Noah.”


Sam stood in front of the mirror in his room, he had to find something to wear to this date, pants was the easy part, just find a pair of comfortable jeans, no need to be too fancy tonight, that was for a later date. He knew that he would look really good in a suit but that was something he was saving for an anniversary.

He had a plain white t-shirt on, he wasn’t sure if a polo or a buttondown shirt was the right way to go and if he asked his mother or father for that matter then he would have to answer to many questions. He wanted to look casual but good, the jeans were casual, and maybe he should go for the polo and one of the jackets that he had. And if they did go for a walk then he would need the jacket so that he could borrow it to Rachel, he had made his decision on what to wear.

He walked down the stairs and as he was about to leave he was stopped by his mother, “Don’t you look dashing, for just hanging out with Rachel for a movie or two,” Sam closed his eyes and counted to ten in his head, he might have not told them that it was a date, “It looks like it’s more of a date.”

Sam knew that he had to tell her the truth otherwise they would be standing here much, much longer and he would be late and you can’t be late picking up a girl for the first date, “It’s a date but I don’t have time to talk, I have to go,” and he opened the door and walked to the car and he was ignoring whatever it was that his mother was calling after him.


Sam walked the steps that lead him to the door, and he took a deep breath before he rang the doorbell, a couple of seconds passed, and he was about to ring it again, when he saw that the door opened and he could see Rachel standing there in front of him, she looked amazing.

“you look beautiful,” he managed to say, he had no idea on how he could form words in that moment, Rachel was standing in the doorway dressed in shirt, not as short as she sometimes wore in school this one was about kneelength, and to that she had a short sleeved shirt, all of the colours were bringing all of her best features out, her hair was down, and it was slightly curly, it looked like she had just let it dried.

“I could say the same about you,” Rachel said as she looked Sam up and down, in the end he had decided on a pair of dark jeans, a blue polo and a casual jacket.

“I was going to bring you flowers but then I couldn’t remember what you favorite are so I decide that it was better if you told me what kind you wanted,” Sam said and looked down, he mentally slapped himself, who in their right mind didn’t bring flowers to the first date, just an idiot.

“That is really sweet of you, Sam, you didn’t have to do that,” Rachel said and he reached for her hand and helped her out. He was holding her hand all the way to the car and then he opened the door for her and helped her inside, “Thank you so much for that,” Sam just smiled at her.

“That is what a gentleman is supposed to do,” Sam said as he closed the door and walked to the driver’s side of the car, and opened up the door and got in and he started the car and they left for the restaurant.

“Then I hope to see more of that tonight,” Rachel said and she reached for Sam’s hand, and in that moment Sam was happy that he was driving a car that was automatic, so that he didn’t have to change gear, he could hold Rachel’s hand almost all the way to the restaurant if he wanted too.

“I can promise you that you will see more of how much of a gentleman I am,” Sam said and the two of them continued the ride to the restaurant in a somewhat silence but it was not as awkward as one would believe it would be, it was kind of nice.


Sam was the first one out of the car and Rachel was about to open the door to the car when Sam stopped her, and he opened the door for her, “Remember what I said earlier?” Rachel nodded and as the two of them walked to the restaurant, Sam was holding Rachel’s hand, interlocked their fingers without really thinking about it and he made small circles on the outside of her hand with his thumb.

“Good Evening, what can I help you with,” The waiter said as Sam had walked them into the restaurant.

“I have a table for two under Evans,” Sam said, and looked at his watch quickly just to make sure that they weren’t too late or too early.

“Right this way,” the waiter replied and showed them the way to the table, and Sam smiled when he saw the table that they were going to sit at, he had never thought that he would be able to get a table as good as this one. The waiter was about to pull the chair out for Rachel but Sam put one of his hands over the waiter’s arm.

“I can do that,” Sam said and he gave the waiter a polite smile, he needed to be on his best behavior, and have the waiter being nice to them otherwise was there a huge risk that this wouldn’t go as he hoped. The waiter nodded his head and smiled as he saw the blonde boy pull out the chair for Rachel, and help her move closer to the table.

Sam saw the he was supposed to sit face to face with Rachel, that was the normal thing to do when you were on a date with someone but he had done a lot of research for this date and there was somewhere that he had read that you should sit in a 90 degree angle from your date or something like that but it just felt weird when he was standing there thinking about moving the chair.

Sam decided in the end to just sit opposite Rachel, like most of the dates that he had been on, but that would change when they had been together longer, because if he was sitting next to her then he could hold her closer to himself so much better.

“Are the two of you ready to order?” The waiter asked and he was looking at Sam, Sam looked up from the menu and looked at Rachel.

“Rach, do you know what you would like to eat?” Sam asked before he told the waiter what he would like, he had decided on take a vegetarian alternative, he wasn’t sure of what the vegan menu would taste like so he felt safer to choose something that he would know what it was, but he wouldn’t order anything before Rachel was ready.

“I’m not sure what I want,” Rachel said, as she looked up from the menu, Sam decided to intervene before the waiter said something.

“I would like to order something to drink first,” Sam said and looked at Rachel, asking her if she wanted something to drink, she nodded, “I would like to have a two diet cokes and then two glasses of water.”

“okay,” The waiter said and waited to the rest of the order.

“And we will order the food when you come with the drinks,” Sam said, not as rude as he could have.

“thank you,” Rachel said and gave the blonde boy a shy smile.

“it’s not a problem,” Sam said and he reached for her hand, “So do you have an idea on what you would like to order?” Rachel nodded and Sam waited for her to say something, “And what is it?”

“It is between two different dishes and I have no idea what to choose,” Rachel sighed, normally she knew directly what she wanted but there was something about this that made it so much harder for her.

“You know what,” Sam said and as soon as Rachel had said that she couldn’t decide between the two dishes Sam had decided on what they were going to do, “You order one of the dishes and I will order the other one, and then you can taste a little from the one that I have order you will have both of them at the end of the night.”

The waiter came with their drinks and Sam placed the orders for the food, and Rachel was smiling the whole time, she was pretty sure that there weren’t anyone else of the boys that she had dated that would do that for her, most of the time they had ended up at Breadstix and the vegan or even the vegetarian alternatives were bad, really bad, that was probably the reason why she had had so hard time deciding on what to order but Sam had helped her out.


They had finished the dinner and it had been great, Sam was happy with how it had turned out and both of their dishes had been amazing, and it was about time to pay for the dinner.

“So how much do I have to pay for my part?” Rachel asked as she was about reach or her wallet, Sam placed on of his hands over Rachel’s.

“This is our first date,” Sam said and looked her in the eyes, “I gentleman always pays on the first date.” Sam was almost too good to be true, he was acting like he knew exactly what to do. He paid for them and he helped her out from the table, and held out his hand for her to take. “When is your curfew?”

Rachel looked at the time and then to Sam, “I have to be home in an hour and half.”

“That is perfect,” Sam said and smiled before he kissed her cheek, this was just what he had planned, “So what do you say about a walk in the park?”

“it sounds amazing, just like this whole night have been,” Rachel said and she was holding on to Sam’s hand and she was walking close to him, it was getting a bit chilly and she hadn’t taken a jacket with her.

“wait a minute,” Sam said as he saw that Rachel was rubbing her hands up and down her arms, he took of his jacket and he hung it over Rachel’s shoulders, “Here you go.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Rachel said as she leaned even closer to him, “I don’t want you to freeze.”

“I’m okay,” Sam said and the walked passed a bench, Sam smiled when he saw it, he wanted to have something like that with Rachel, from the look of it, it was bench with two names and a few dates in scripted on it. “You are more important to me than me being a bit cold, and besides that I was kind of warm,” maybe the last part had been a lie, but Sam didn’t want Rachel to worry about him.

They walked in silent for a while before Sam turned them around and he looked up in the sky and he pointed to a constellation of stars, “You know that one?” Rachel shook her head, she had a guess what constellation it could be, “It’s the Orion.”

“You know the star constellations?” Rachel asked, Sam just shrugged his shoulders, it was no big deal for him, he knew some of the constellations.

“So if you had a chance to get the perfect gift what would it be?” Sam asked, he needed something to go on, he had an idea for what to give her but it was still a while left before they would have an anniversary, they weren’t even officially together yet.

“I don’t know,” Rachel said, and she looked at Sam, “I guess I would like to get something that would mean a lot to the both of us, showing me that he knows me just as well as I hope he would.”

“That sounds like a great answer,” Sam said and he turned Rachel around so that they were facing each other, he leaned closer and he could feel he warm air that was coming from Rachel’s mouth as she was exhaling, “I’m going to kiss you now.”

Rachel closed her eyes, and in that moment she felt Sam’s lips in her own, and she was lost in the world that was Sam, it was just like she had dreamed, Sam was just as much of a gentleman that he had said that he was going to be.

“Now that I have kissed you,” Sam said, and he was smiling, “I think that it’s time for me to take you home.”

“I would believe that is the right thing to do,” Rachel said and Sam guided them back to his car.


“I had a great time tonight,” Sam said as he stood with Rachel on the porch in front of her home, “And I would kiss you again, but I don’t think that your dads would like to witness that,” Rachel smiled and she stood on her toes and she placed a small kiss on his lips and when they broke apart she had to say something.

“I kissed you this time,” She said with a smile, “And they can’t say anything about that because you have been the perfect gentleman to me tonight and I would love to do this more times with you.”

As Rachel had walked inside, Sam walked to the car, and before he got back in to the car he jumped a little with his fisted closed and up in the air, and when he turned around he saw both Hiram and Leroy standing in the window looking at him both of them smiling, Sam himself was smiling too, no one could get that grin of his face.

sam evans, fanfic, samchel, pg-13, evanberry, in the words of, glee, rachel berry

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