In the Words of... 15/18

Aug 26, 2011 15:34

Title: In the Words of
Author: laotse4
Rating: pg-13

Chapter 14
Rachel had ended up at the Lima Bean, with Kurt, Blaine and Mercedes; she had no idea on how that had happened. Rachel had planned on talking to Sam as soon as Glee had ended for the day but before she had a chance to walk up to him, she herself had been dragged away from the room by Mercedes.

So she could almost say that she had been kidnapped but they weren’t really keeping her against her own will, this was all too confusing and even if Mercedes hadn’t dragged her away she wouldn’t have had the chance to talk to Sam, while she was being dragged of by the other girl, Sam had been cornered by Puck and Mike, Rachel was guessing that Artie and maybe even Finn would be there too but she had to stop think about Sam and start to focus on what was going on here instead.

“You should have seen her,” Mercedes said as she was steering a spoon in her coffee. Kurt looked from Mercedes to Rachel.

“So what you are trying to tell me is that,” Kurt said as he tried to form the right words, “that it worked what you had planned and did.”

“Kurt, you do remember that you were there too,” Blaine said and looked at the boy, “you told me all about it earlier today.”

“oh, I know that,” Kurt said and waved what Blaine had said off, “what I meant was that it worked and I had nothing to do with the planning.”

“You sound surprised,” Blaine said and the boy looked confused.

“Shush, you would be confused too, if you knew that it had been Puck who was the mastermind behind the whole thing,” Kurt said as he looked at the three others, he was trying his best not to look at Rachel.

“Noah?” Rachel asked, as she realized what it was that Kurt just had said, “You are trying to tell me that it was Noah that was planning all of that?”

“Who is Noah and who is Puck?” Blaine asked, this was all too confusing to him, from what he was hearing they were talking about the same thing but they were naming different persons.

“Oh, Blaine,” Kurt said and he patted the back of the other boy, “You see, Rachel is calling Puck Noah, and I have no idea on why she is doing that,” Kurt turned to Rachel, “why do you call Puck Noah?”

“Because it is his name, and I don’t call anyone else a nickname,” Rachel said and she took a sip of her tea.

“But Sam is a nickname right?” Mercedes asked and she looked at Rachel waiting for the shorter girl to answer her.

“That is true but…” Rachel said and she wanted to say more but she didn’t have the chance to do so before she was roughly cut off.

“So then you do use nicknames,” Kurt stated and studied Rachel.

“I can agree to that but there are nicknames that are better or worse and I don’t think that Puck is a respectable nickname,” Rachel said and she was about to start to explain why she felt that Puck wasn’t a respectable nickname for Noah Puckerman.

“I think we should leave that discussion for a later date,” Kurt said and looked at Rachel, “I want to know what you are planning to do with a Sam Evans.”

“I was going to have a conversation with him after Glee today but as you can see I am not there with him so that have to wait,” Rachel said as she looked at the three other people that was sitting around the table, “it also depends on what he is comfortable to do.”

“he’s into you,” Mercedes said, “and you do heard what Puck said, he has been spending a lot of time with you and he sang with you and he didn’t want to let go of you hand.”

“They were holding hands,” Kurt squealed, “it’s so cute.”

“Maybe we could talk about something else instead,” Rachel said as she looked at them, and Kurt and Mercedes just looked at each other, and then shaking their heads. Rachel was about to say something when she heard a beep, and she could feel the phone in her pocket vibrate. She wanted to read the message, she was pretty sure that it was from Sam but having two of the persons that was the biggest gossipers here with her was not the best thing when it came to reading this text.

“Rachel, was that you phone?” Blaine asked, he tried to be polite but he had no idea what was going on here or why he was there in the first place.

“yes, Blaine, it was my phone but it can wait,” Rachel said and before she had a chance to take her phone and move it so that Mercedes wouldn’t have a chance to get it, well let’s just say it was too late for that.

“I can read to you what the message is saying,” Mercedes said and she opened the phone to read the message.

“Mercedes, can I please get my phone back?” Rachel asked and held her hand out with the palm up so that the other girl could place the phone in her hand.

“I’m just reading this last message, I think that we all deserve to know what Sam is thinking about,” Mercedes said and she smiled at Kurt.

“Rachel, I have to agree with Mercedes here,” Kurt said as he looked at his best friend and the to the shorter girl, “we are all after all invested in this in some ways; we just want to help you as much as we can.”


“What do you want Puckerman?” Sam asked as he had been corned by Puck and some of the other Glee boys.

“I know that you are planning something,” Puck said and he pushed Sam so that the blonde boy sat down, “and I just want to protect my friend.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Sam said as he looked from Puck to Mike and somehow Artie had made his way over to them.

“We all know that you like Rachel,” Artie said and looked at Sam, he himself was not sure why he was there in the first place, “but we still can’t figure out why.”

“Yeah,” Mike said, he had no idea what more he could say, “she can be a bit intense and I don’t really know her.”

“All we want to know is what you are planning on doing,” Puck said, “We just don’t want her to get hurt.” He ran his than through the hawk on the top of his head.

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Sam said and he started to play with his fingers, this was getting intense and it would have been so much easier if Rachel had been here with him.

“So what are you doing?”

“Well I was trying to tell her that I liked her,” Sam said and tilted his head to the side as he studied all of them, “but I don’t want to lose her as a friend.”

“I think that she knows that you like her,” Puck said and laughed a little, “that song that the two of you sang gave it away.”

“And just so you know she likes you too,” Puck supplied.

“So what am I going to do?”

“You got Quinn to date you,” Mike said and looked confused on him, “you should know how to get Rachel to go out with you.”

“Hey,” Sam tried to defend himself, “you can’t compare Quinn and Rachel they are two different persons.”

“That might be true,” Artie added in and then turned to Puck, and the two of them looked at Sam “But they have been dating the same guys.”

“So you could do what it was that you got Quinn to agree to a date,” Puck said, “or you could do what I did.”

“Yeah, how did you and Rachel get together the first time?” Mike asked, that was a question that no one really had an answer to.

“I asked her if she wanted to make out,” Puck said and shrugged his shoulders, “and she agreed to it.”

Sam took out his phone, he was going to try and contact Rachel, to see how she was doing, he was done here. He had said that he wanted to take Rachel out and that he liked her and that he didn’t want to hurt her, it had to be enough for them. Sam started to push some of the keys on his phone to create the message to Rachel. As he had pressed send, he looked up at them, “Is there anything else that you like to add or can I leave?”

“You can leave,” Artie said and rolled back a little so that Sam could get up and walk out the room.

“But we still have the power to stop this if we think that this is going too far or if she is in the risk of getting hurt,” Puck said, “Rachel is a fellow Jew and I protect them.”

When Sam had left the room the three guys that were left looked at each other and nodding, they needed to get to know how it was going at the Lima Bean.


At the Lima Bean Mercedes had just finished reading Sam’s text.

“you should text him back telling him to come by,” Kurt said as he looked at Mercedes that still was in possession of Rachel’ phone, “that way he will come here and Rachel can talk to him and we can see how it all goes.”

“can I just have my phone back,” Rachel asked as she looked at Mercedes, “I need to talk to Sam, we haven’t really talked about what occurred in the choir room earlier today and I believe that is something that I need to talk to him about before I can talk to anyone else about that.”

“give her the phone and then we can go back to what it is that you want to talk about,” Blaine said, and looked at Kurt, Rachel got her phone back and sent a quick text to Sam telling him that she would call him later so that they could talk and that she was okay.

The four of them weren’t at the Lima Bean that long after that, well Rachel was the one that left and as soon as she had left three boys that had been standing outside the coffee place walked in, and took a seat at the same table as Rachel had been sitting at earlier.

“So who wants to place bets on when they are making it official?” Puck asked and took out a piece of paper from his back pocket.

“We need the information that you have and you would like to have the information that we have,” Kurt said and looked at Puck, “and then I can place my bet, because their first date will be in a couple of days at the latest.”

“That much we do know too,” Artie said and started to make some kind of counting in his head, “and Sam is totally in love with her, even if he just said that he liked her.”

“Well, let’s just say that the feeling is mutual,” Mercedes said and looked at them, “And how come that the rest of the group isn’t here?”

“They are on their way here,” Puck said, “a mass text was sent out but I think we need a new place to meet.”


Sam had made the drive to Rachel’s as soon as she had left the school, he had gotten a text telling him that she was going to call him later but he had to do this before his courage was all gone, he was after all still a bit high from the duet that he sang with Rachel.

During the drive to the Berry house he had heard some cheesy song, a love song, that would fit like a group number for this theme and he was going to suggest it to Mr. Schuester after he had done his solo, if he found the perfect song.

“Sam, what are you doing here?” One of the Mr. Berrys asked as the older man saw the blonde boy sitting on the front porch.

“I’m just waiting for Rachel,” he said as he looked down, he couldn’t meet the man’s eyes, “She will be home soon; I kind of wanted to talk to her.”

“So you are asking her out?” Sam opened his eyes, he wanted to shake his head telling the man no but if he did he would be lying and that wouldn’t be the best start for him if they did get together.

“yes,” Sam said a bit shyly, as he still avoided eye contact with the man, it was after all Leroy, and he was scarier than Hiram.

“I am sure that she will say yes,” Leroy said as he sat down next to Sam on the stairs, “You should have seen her yesterday.”

“What did she do?” Sam asked, he wanted to know as much as he could about Rachel.

“She was singing and looking for songs to sing,” Leroy said as he patted Sam on the back, “and I guess that you heard one of them today.” Sam nodded as he realized what Leroy was talking about.

“It kind of turned out to be a duet,” Sam said and he scratched his own cheek a little, he was getting more and more nervous, what if Rachel was saying no, even if everyone that he had talked to told him that she would say yes.

“So who was it that sang the song with her?” Leroy asked and when he looked at the blonde boy beside him he understood what Sam was talking about, “So it was you that sang with her?” Sam just nodded not looking up, and he felt someone nudging him, “She is home.”

“Thanks,” Sam said and smiled at him, “I think I am going to talk to her before I lose the nerve.”

Sam walked up to Rachel, he was going to get straight to the point, otherwise he wouldn’t have any kind of idea on what to say to her.

“Sam, what a surprise,” Rachel said as she saw the blonde boy, and he was giving her a hug just as she said his name.

“Sorry about that,” Sam said and bit his lower lip, you can do this, this is not hard at all, he tried to boost his own confident, “I just wanted to talk to you.” He had decided to screw the plan he had made earlier today or if it was yesterday after his talk to Puckerman and the other guys, it was better to get right to it.

“It’s okay, just tell me what it was that you want to talk to me about,” Rachel said as she stood in front of him.

“You know the song that we sang today,” Sam asked and Rachel nodded, “I kind of think that there are some truths to that.”

“Okay…” Rachel said, she was kind of following what Sam was saying but she didn’t want to assume anything.

“What I am trying to say,” Sam sighed, he knew that this wasn’t going as good as he wanted it too, “is that I would love to take you.”

“Take me out?” Rachel asked, did he mean like a date or just going out as friends.

“I would love to take you out on a date,” Sam said, he had said it, all he had to now was to wait for Rachel to say yes or no.

“Yes!” Rachel almost yelled and she jumped into his arms, and he just held her close, he didn’t want to let her go, he breathe in the scent of her hair, he smiled, wild berries, what else would she use, as the two of them let go of each other a little, they were still holding on to the other one, Sam leaned in closer and placed a small peck on her lips and both of them smiled.

“So, I’m going to pick you up on Friday so that I can take you for real,” Sam said, Rachel just nodded and as Sam was about to leave for his car he pecked her lips one more time, “That is all that you are going to get until the date is over.” Rachel pouted and Sam could just smile at her, Friday was too far away but it had to be perfect, and who knew by Monday he would probably have a girlfriend.

in the words of, evanberry, sam evans, glee, fanfic, samchel, rachel berry

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