Fog of Memories (2/17)

Sep 15, 2011 19:03

Title: Fog of Memories
Pairing: Rachel Berry/ Noah Puckerman (later on)
Rating: PG-13/T it might change
Spoilers: All episodes aired to be on the safe side
Summary: Rachel had her big break on Broadway, she was a household name, she got into an accident, and the accident brought her back to Lima. Puck never got the chance to get out of Lima and he has always had the feeling that Rachel was the one that got away. He has been following her career and now that she is back in Lima, will he have a chance with her or is it too late?
Feedback: I would love to know what you think of this, so I know if I should continue on with it or not.

Chapter 1

Rachel had been in Lima for about a week, she was about to start her physical therapy today but if there was one thing that she as sure of it was that she wasn’t going to do this. Rachel didn’t care what they said; she wasn’t going to do this right now.

If she was going to do this, well she was going to do this, but when it happened it would be on her own terms and right now, it was not Rachel who made the decision, it was her doctors and somehow both of her fathers were somewhat involved in this decision.

“Breakfast is ready,” Rachel turned around and in the door to her room stood, her father, Hiram, he had almost woken her but she had been somewhat awake.

“I’m not hungry,” Rachel replied and she turned her head around s that she was facing away from Hiram.

“Sweetie,” Hiram said and he walked inside the room. Rachel felt how her bed dipped down a little as he sat down on the bed. She kept her eyes closed and did not look in his directions, “Rachel, you have to eat.”

“I said that I’m not hungry,” Rachel almost yelled, it was getting on her nerves that they wouldn’t leave her alone, when her father’s weren’t there with her then the nurse was, she was never alone. She needed some time alone it was just too much for her right now.

“Rachel,” Hiram sighed, “You do have your first physical therapy session today.”

“I’m not going.”

“Rachel,” Hiram said with a stern voice and he took one of her hands between his own two hands, “I know that you don’t want to do this but you need to do it if you want to get back to New York and Broadway.”

“Dad,” Rachel said and she pulled her hand back before she sat up in the bed and rested against the headboard, “I’m not ready for it to start.”

“Rachel, you know that you can’t push this away,” Hiram said and he tried the best he could, “if you don’t start this now you might get some permanent damages.”

“Everyone keeps saying that,” Rachel said as she pulled the covers down, “I can take some coffee.”

“And I’ll drive you to your appointment,” Hiram said and he gave her a smile.

“I never said that I would go there,” Rachel huffed as she got out of the bed and out of the room to find the nearest bathroom.

“Rach, just meet with your therapist and then after that meeting you can decide on what you want to do,” Hiram said and he was nodding his head as he tried to get Rachel to agree with him.

“Fine,” Hiram smiled as he heard that Rachel was agreeing with him and that she was doing what she needed to do.


Hiram drove Rachel to her physical therapy appointment and as they walked inside the building and waited in the reception area. Rachel started to look around and she saw a couch where she could sit before it was her turn, she grabbed one of the magazines that laid on the table next to the couch as she flipped through some of the articles that was about her and her accident.
She shook her head as she was reading some of them, not one of the articles that she had been reading was reporting anything close to what really had happened in the accident, it was almost a joke on how they were treating this.

“Rachel,” Rachel turned her head around quickly in the direction that the voice had come from, the brunette knew that voice, but at the same time it was a surprise to hear it anyway.

“Hello, Brittany,” Rachel greeted the blonde, it was a surprise to run into Brittany at her physical therapy, and the most surprising thing of it all was that Brittany was her physical therapist.

“What are you doing here?” the blonde asked as she sat down next to Rachel on the couch.

“I’m here because I need some help,” Rachel answered the question, and she could see how Brittany’s smile got bigger.

“So that means that you are my next patient,” Brittany said and got up from the couch, “yay,” Brittany clapped her hands together, “so let’s get started,” she took a hold of Rachel’s hand and almost dragged the brunette with her.

“Brittany,” Rachel said as she looked at the blonde, “I’m hurt.”

“And I’m going to help you,” Brittany said, “get better,” was added and the former cheerleader was smiling at Rachel, the smile almost made Rachel smile, “and one more thing.”

Rachel looked at Brittany as she waited for the blonde to continue on with what she was about to say.

“I’m also a trained misogynist,” Brittany said with a smile.

“I think that you mean masseuse,” Rachel said and when she looked at back at her father he was sitting on the couch smiling.

“That was what I said,” Brittany said.

Rachel was really close to lashing out but she knew that lashing out on Brittany wouldn’t help her at all, if anything it would be worse for her.

“Why are you here?” Brittany asked when they had started the first process of getting Rachel back on her feet.

“I told you before,” Rachel said as she sat down.

“I know why you are here, here, silly,” Brittany said and she looked at Rachel.

“So what did you mean then?” Rachel asked, she wasn’t really following what Brittany was talking about.

“Why are you here in Lima and not New York?” The blonde asked as she helped Rachel up.

“I wanted our from the hospital, and may dads thought that Lima would be a good place for me to recover,” Rachel said and looked at Brittany giving her a small smile, it was somewhat the truth.

“Oh,” Brittany said and as Rachel looked at her she could see that there was something that Brittany was thinking about.

“What do you mean by, ‘oh’?” Rachel asked as they were finishing up today’s session.

“I just thought that you were going to get back with Puck.”

“Noah?” Rachel asked surprised, she hadn’t really thought about him or what he was doing these days.

“Who’s Noah?” Brittany asked, this was the girl she had gone to High School with, was the only thing that Rachel could think of when she heard the question.

“Noah and Puck is the same person,” Rachel explained.


“I heard that you ran in to and old friend today,” Leroy said as the three of them sat down to eat dinner.

“Ran into isn’t the word that I would use to describe what happened,” Rachel said as she was placing some salad on her plate.

“What would you describe it as then?”

“Dad I was more or less forces to do it,” Rachel said without looking at her father.

“Care to explain to someone who wasn’t there?” Leroy asked.

“Brittany is my physical therapist,” Rachel said and then she didn’t say anything more this had to be enough of an explanation for him.

“And who was this Brittany?” Leroy asked, he kind of hoped that Rachel having to spend time with and old friend would help her through this.

“Brittany is the, well more like were the dizzy cheerleader in High School,” Hiram explained to his husband, “and she was an amazing dancer.”

“Oh, now I remember,” Leroy said, “her sister has been working with me during the weekends.”
Rachel sighed, now she knew that she wasn’t going to be able to get away from this, both of her fathers seemed to have a weak spot form Brittany or at least the Pierce family.

“Rach, maybe you should call her so that you can do something together,” Leroy said and looked at his daughter, “You do need to get out from this house.”

“Just leave me alone,” Rachel yelled, this was going too far, she had done the therapy part today, what more were they going to ask her to do, “I just need time to figure this out.”

“Rachel,” Hiram said in a calm voice as he tried to stop her from leaving, “we just want you to be happy.”

“I’ll be happy as soon as the two of you leave me alone,” Rachel said as she tried her best to storm out, it wasn’t as effective as it once used to be, her crutches were stopping her to a degree.

“We will never leave you alone,” Leroy said as he looked at Rachel as she walked away.

“We need to help her in some way,” Hiram sighed as he saw his daughter hopping away on crutches. He rested his head against his hands.

“She needs to let her anger out,” Leroy said, “it will help her in the long run and we both will be there for her when she needs us.”


A couple of days passed by and Rachel was still lashing out on the people that was around her, both Hiram and Leroy, were getting tired of all of Rachel’s outbursts but they had no idea on what they could do to help her, and when they had suggested that she maybe should call someone that she could talk to about what had happened and how she was feeling.

Well that had leaded to Rachel locking herself in her room and she had refused to come out and eat dinner with them, she was acting like a teenager.

Both Hiram and Leroy hoped that it would get better now that Rachel had a session with Brittany again. And that would work as long as they managed to get Rachel to meet Brittany, well more like to attend her session.


The brunette was sitting in the waiting room once again, she had been dragged to her rehab training by her parents.

“Rachel,” Rachel looked up when she heard her name and she saw a smiling Brittany standing in front of her, “You are here again, that is great.”

All that Rachel wanted to do was to scream at someone this was the last place she wanted to be at but sometimes you didn’t have a choice. And Brittany was the last person that Rachel waned to yell at, the blonde was too nice to lash out on.

“Like I have a choice,” Rachel said as she stood up and walked with help of the crutches, “Can we just start so that I can go back home?”

“Sure,” Brittany answered and Rachel could hear that there was something in Brittany’s voice, “But I want us to do something tomorrow.”

“I’m not leaving the house,” Rachel said as she was done with the first exercise.

“you need to get out,” Brittany stated and Rachel looked at her like she was crazy, “It will help you not to just look at a white wall, that is boring.”

“What do you know?” Rachel snapped at the blonde.

“Rachel,” Brittany said and she placed her hands on Rachel’s shoulders, “I know more about this than you do.”

“Humph,” was all that came from Rachel and she turned her head away from Brittany.

“It’ll be easier if you just agree with me,” Brittany said and she smiled at Rachel, “I’ll be at your house tomorrow and I’ll drag you with me if you don’t come on your own.”

Rachel sighed and she started to understand why it had been hard for most people to say no to Brittany during High School, Brittany could look really innocent when she wanted to, saying no would be like kicking a puppy and that was something that you didn’t do.

“Fine,” Rachel agreed as she shook her head, she had no idea on what she had agreed on to do.

“yay,” Brittany said and she was about to clapped her hands and jump up and down but the blonde saw the look on Rachel’s face and stopped what she was about to do.


“So I heard that you are leaving the house today,” Leroy said as he sat down next to Rachel who half lied on the couch and she was watching some trashy reality show.
Rachel didn’t really look up at her father, “It wasn’t like I had a say in it.”

“You have always a say in things,” he said as he gave one of her hands a squeeze.

“You try and say no to Brittany.”

“I can see where you are coming from.”

“Good,” Rachel said, “so leave me alone in my self-pity.”

“It’s not a good thing this self-pity,” Leroy said and he was about to say something more when the doorbell went off, “I’ll get that and you can try and look like you’re not sleepwalking.”

“Like anyone would care.”

“Rachel,” Leroy said looking at her.

“Fine,” Rachel huffed and she sat up and she ran her fingers through her hair.

She could hear her father talking to whoever it was that had been at the door, Rachel sighed when heard that it was Brittany that was at the door, it would all start now.

“Rachel,” hearing her name being called was not what she wanted, sure she had agreed to hang out with Brittany but she had hoped that the blonde would have agreed or maybe agree to staying inside, “get over here,” no chance to staying in, they were going to be heading out.

“Brittany,” Rachel greeted the blonde as she had managed to get to the door.

“We are going out,” Brittany said and smiled at Rachel and her father.

“I guess so,” Rachel said and she couldn’t really muster up any enthusiasm.

“You can at least try a little,” Leroy said as he squeezed Rachel’s shoulder, “You need this,” Rachel glared at her father.

“I know what I need,” Rachel snapped, “and you don’t know what I need and no one else knows either.”

“Rachel,” Leroy said as he tried to talk to her.

“Mr. Berry,” Brittany said and looked over at Leroy, “I think that’s better if we leave.”

“If you think so Brittany,” Leroy said as he looked at the blonde.

“I know,” Brittany said and she tried to take a hold of Rachel and take her out but Rachel just shook her head, “Rachel, we are going out.”

“I’m not doing something that I don’t want to do,” Rachel said as she glared at Brittany.

“Do you want me to pout?” Brittany asked as she blinked her eyes a couple of times and her eyes were getting watery.

“Fine,” the shorter girl said and Rachel started to understand how Brittany had gotten her way most of the time.

“So where are you going?” Leroy asked with a smile as he watched the two of them walked out the door.

“Breadstix or LimaBean,” Brittany said as she turned around and smiled at the man, “Rachel will decide.”


Rachel sat at one of the tables in the LimaBean, she was waiting for Brittany to come over with their coffee. Rachel was lost in her thoughts, so she didn’t hear that Brittan was back with their coffee.

“Aren’t you happy that you came out?” The blonde asked as she sat down with Rachel.

“Sure,” Rachel replied but she didn’t really look up.

“Britt,” Brittany looked up when she heard her name.

“Puck,” the taller girl said as she saw the young man, “You can see who I am here with, right?”
Puck looked who was sitting on the chair that he was standing next to, and he smiled as he said, “Berry,” and he sat down next to her, “what the hell are you doing in Lima?”

“Noah,” Rachel said and she turned to him and she gave him a small smile before she added, “language.”

“Still the same I see,” Puck said as he smirked at her, “So why are you here? That’s better right?”

“Rehab,” Rachel said and she looked at Brittany, “Can we leaven now?”

“You stay with Puck,” Brittany said with a smile, “I’m sure that you two have a lot that you need to talk about.”

“Don’t leave me with him,” Rachel almost pleaded with Brittany.

“Puck and you have a lot to talk about and he can take you home,” Brittany said and she left the table and she waved to Rachel as they two of them were left alone at the table.

“Brittany called you,” Rachel said as Puck had moved to the other side of the table.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Puck said as he smirked at the brunette, and then he took a sip of the coffee that Brittany had left behind.

“Noah,” Rachel said and she looked up to meet his brown eyes, “Please don’t lie to me.”

“I ran into her yesterday,” Puck said and he took another sip of the coffee, “and she told me that you were back.”

“What else did she tell you?” Rachel asked and looked at him, “you can’t hide anything from me and you have never been able to.”

“She just said that you might need some cheering up,” Puck said and he ran his hand over his shaved head, he had gotten rid of the Mohawk that he had spotted during the years in High School.

“Just take me home,” Rachel said as she took the crutches and tried to get out.

“I’ll take you home but we are going to hang out tomorrow,” Puck said as he helped Rachel with the door out to where he had his car parked.

As he drove Rachel home they did some small talking but nothing too big, they did need something to talk about tomorrow.

“Thank you Noah,” Rachel said as the two of them stood on the front porch of the Berry house.

“I’ll call you tomorrow, Berry,” Puck said as he slowly walked back to his car, “and don’t think that you will get away from it, I need to know what my hot little Jewish American princess has been up to since I last saw her.”

Rachel was just smiling at him, he still had some of that High School persona and she couldn’t wait to see how much he had left and how much he had changed.

fog of memories, glee, fanfic, puckleberry, noah puckerman, puck, rachel berry

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