Fog of Memories (1/17)

Sep 15, 2011 18:59

Title: Fog of Memories
Pairing: Rachel Berry/ Noah Puckerman (later on)
Rating: PG-13/T it might change
Spoilers: All episodes aired to be on the safe side
Summary: Rachel had her big break on Broadway, she was a household name, she got into an accident, and the accident brought her back to Lima. Puck never got the chance to get out of Lima and he has always had the feeling that Rachel was the one that got away. He has been following her career and now that she is back in Lima, will he have a chance with her or is it too late?
Feedback: I would love to know what you think of this, so I know if I should continue on with it or not.

Fog of Memories


Rachel Barbra Berry, had been the outcast during her High School years, it had gotten better when the Glee Club had gotten a bit bigger but she was still one of the biggest outcasts on the school. She had attended William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio, and now, she lived in the city of her dreams New York City, all of the dreams that she had had in High School were about to come true.

Until this day she had had some small parts in a couple of Broadway shows and a couple of understudy parts too, but this was the morning that she had gotten a call from the last audition that she went to, she had been given the part as Maria in West Side Story. As soon as the call had ended Rachel Berry knew one thing and that was that she was about to get her big break.

The opening night of West Side Story couldn’t had gone any better and both of her fathers, Leroy and Hiram, had been in the audience, and neither one of them could have been ay prouder of their baby girls, she had just made one of her dreams come true and this was just the beginning of it all.

The celebration of the opening night had gone just as you thought it would, it was calm, everyone in the cast had just been happy about the fact that it all had gone so well.

The reviews the next day was nothing sort of praising of Rachel and the rest of the cast, and she couldn’t help herself as she read some of them, she was smiling to herself and there was nothing that could bring her down this was what she had been working for her whole life.

There was one review that had stood out from the others, at least for Rachel, this review was talking about Tony Awards, it was unbelievable for her, her dreams were about to come true, almost all of them.

About two months into the show something happened it was something that normally didn’t happen, well at least not to Broadway stars, not even those who were in the making.

The show had been great and Rachel just wanted to get home to her apartment and get some sleep, she had felt like she was on her way to get a cold, she had had the feeling for a couple of days. All that she wanted was to go home and get some rest so that she would be fit for fighting the next show.

“I’m heading home,” she said to one of her friends from the cast.

“Take a cab,” Rachel looked at her friend, “Rachel, just do as I say.”

Rachel huffed a little but in the end she agreed to take a cab even if she in the first place hadn’t wanted to take the cab. Rachel sat in the cab, the driver had stopped at a trafficlight , and as the light turned to green the driver started the car and drove of and Rachel could see a couple of head lights coming from the side and as she saw the car coming closer and closer to the cab from the side, the driver of the other car had no chance of stopping the car and it hit the passangerside of the cab. Rachel had no idea on how it had gone for the cabdriver or the driver of the other car.

All that she could remember was the lights from the other car and how everything went from a bright white to the darkest of black in seconds but it had been like everything had slowed down and she had seen her life pass her by, from seeing what was going to happen until it happened had felt like minutes maybe even hours, it all had been slow motion for her but in the end it had just been a couple of seconds at the most.

When Rachel lied in the car, she could hear the horn from one of the cars something was laying over it. As she blinked she could hear some more sounds but Rachel couldn’t make out what it was but she guessed that it were policecars, firetrucks and ambulances, but she couldn’t really tell what it was.

The longer she had been trapped in the cab, the harder she had on focusing on what happened, a voice could be heard but she had no idea what they were saying or if it was her they were talking to or if it was someone else.
FoM Rachel clipped with her eyes before it all went dark again and all the sounds were now gone, she couldn’t hear anyone talk anymore, it was like she was trapped in a ghosttown.

The next time that she opened her eyes, everything was bright, he guess was that it was white but she had to close her eyes again, it was too bright her eyes couldn’t focus and it did hurt her head. The next thing that she noticed was the smell, it smelled of alcohol and cleaning products, it was the smell that you felt when you walked inside a hospital.

Rachel tried to get her head around what had happened and at first she couldn’t remember what had happened to her but a small piece here and a small piece there came back to her and she remembered some of the things that had happened to her.

She was getting more and more curious on what was happening around her, and she could hear voices around her, Rachel did recognize a couple of them bur she had yet to figure out what it was that they were saying.

The feeling of someone placing some weight in her hand and squeezing it made her want to squeeze back but she couldn’t, her hand didn’t follow the instructions that she was giving but she could hear someone saying something.

“Rachel, if you can hear me,” the voice said and she knew that voice, it was one of her fathers, “lift your finger.”

Rachel pulled all of the energy that she could muster up to lift her finger, and as she did she heard a mixture of laughing and crying, she wanted to smile and she did, or at least in her head she did smile. She couldn’t be sure of if it was showing but somehow Rachel Berry knew that things were going to be okay in the end.
FoM About a month later Rachel was sitting on her hospital bed waiting for the doctor to come and let her know what the next step was. She was sure if that she was going to go back home.

“So when can I leave?” Rachel asked as soon as the doctor walked inside the room.

“Ms. Berry, we have told you before and we will tell you again,” The doctor said and looked at Rachel, “when we are sure that you can handle being on your own.”

“If I can get my fathers to help me hire a nurse to stay with me 24seven,” Rachel said and looked at the doctor almost pleading with him.

“That will possibly work,” The doctor said and Rachel was almost out the door before the doctor added, “but you need to be somewhere calm and not stress.”

“We’ll bring her home with us,” Leroy Berry said as he walked inside his daughter’s hospitalroom, “we’ll take her to Lima with us.”

“No, no, I’m not going back there,” Rachel said as stern as she could.

“Rachel,” the doctor said and he looked at her, “it’s Lima or the hospital.”
FoM Three days later Rachel Barbra Berry was back in Lima, Ohio, a place she never wanted to see again, she had no idea on what she was going to do now.

fog of memories, fanfic, pg-13, noah puckerman, puck, glee, puckleberry, rachel berry

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