[NEW SEXY SUPERHERO] Male - 37 - 48 yr. old. All ethnicities. He is the most handsome and sexy of ALL the D.C Superheros. Actor must have a fantastic physique. GUEST STAR. Dates are approximately 10-26 thru 11-3-09
Hmm, a new hot guy on Smallville, wow how unusual. This casting call is really confusing actually- most handsome and sexy of ALL but ALL ethnicities? Umm...right. Obviously, attraction/sexiness are varied, but most comics fans agree Nightwing is probably the hottest of the DC superheroes, but he's far too young especially at this point in Smallville continuity. Then I thought, maybe this character just THINKS he's the most handsome/sexy which would point too...Booster Gold? Why would they ever put HIM on Smallville...or maybe Hal Jordan? The ages still seem too old for what most of the characters should be at this point in continuity. Maybe their making it confusing on purpose to throw us off, though I didn't think they really cared about leaks anymore.