Sep 25, 2009 19:49
I really don't like the title of the last couple episodes. Ok, just the last two episodes. They're rather silly (and I'm fully aware I'm the only one around who actually remembers episode titles and refers to them).
Anywaaay, I'm not sure what to think about this episode. It was very entertaining for the most was very pointless, and I'm sorry Samgirls, but all his segments were excruciatingly boring.
Obviously, all the parts with Castiel were fucking hilarious, esp. his face in the strip bar (LOL, Dean said Dayenu) and holding his ID upside down...but ultimately, his plan to track/trap Raphael was a waste of time and I felt like I had wasted time watching it. And then, Castiel kept saying how freakin' dangerous trapping Raphy was going to be, but they both got out totally unscathed! I don't want to be Castiel when Raphy catches up with him, though.
Am I the only one confused by why they lit a circle around his vessel and then went back home? I thought the whole point was an angel couldn't leave the circle, so when he went to get in his vessel he'd be stuck...and then how they managed to get him in the perfect circle of oil in their squat house? Eh, plotholes. (They NEVER happen in SPN...)
Also: "Eat it, Twilight!" "You got wasted by a teenage mutant ninja angel?"
Has Dean's voice always been this, um, Batman-y? It sounded ridiculously gruff in this ep. I was also kind of bothered when Cas goes and asks for his help, and he STILL is all "Give me one good reason." WTF, Dean. WTF. Really? You still need convincing this guy is on your side? It's not like YOU'RE doing anything useful to stop the Apocalypse YOU helped start.
Sam parts: like I said, really boring. Fail love interest Lindsey was especially bad - and I know it was somewhat inevitable at this point, but I'm really kind of disappointed Sam is Lucifer's vessel. It's like guaranteeing that he's, like, totally evil on the inside. And I don't WANT the boys to be at odds! But their vesselage is making it impossible! And Dean is all "yayz, no Sam, let's chat Cas!"...which admittedly isn't *that* bad, but just...meh.
Hahaha, the angels are like hookers (absent fathers, duh).
Next week- Stoned!Cas! Cellphone!Cas: "This isn't funny, Dean! The voice says I'm running out of minutes!" Lucifer!Sammy!