Things That Bother Me

Jan 16, 2014 18:48

This has been on my mind for a couple months and it keeps cropping up because I keep seeing it.

there is a horse trainer down the road and around the corner from me. At least I assune he is a "trainer" as his horses rotate and he seems to be starting them under saddle as far as I can tell from the few seconds it takes me to pass his property.

During training he bits up and ties the horses around, which I am not particularly keen on, but to each his own. There is something to be said about a horse figuring something out on his own for sure.

What gets me is how long he does this for. Admittedly I'm not sitting there the whole time and perhaps he comes out every few minutes or so, but I have observed a horse being left bitted up or tied around in his roundpen (with a cow in the pen as well) for over two hours. TWO HOURS!

I'm sure you can guess that the horse's aren't on a loose rein. They're not being asked to merely tuck their noses an inch or two, no, they are being tied around to their shoulder or asked to hold themselves behind the verticle. For hours. With no one in sight.

the things that could go terribly wrong make my head hurt.

horses, horse training

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