Jun 04, 2013 16:32
Charm-N is going to be an awesome pleasure driving horse. She does really well around the neighborhood. At this point I think I can manage her on my own and am going to try and get Chris to drive with me once a week. I'll go back to driving Michelle's mare or perhaps doing some jumping again. We'll see on that.
I had forgotten how nice the wagonette is to drive. I haven't had it out since November when we took Jed to the ADCS pleasure driving show. It sits you up above the horse unlike the work cart, which sit you behind and below the horse. What a difference in visibility, especially when dealing with a horse with Charm-N's broad posterior.
Tomorrow I'm taking Zetahra out on her first trail ride. At this point I'm pretty positive I am going to ride her and not just lead her around so long as she doesn't decide to be silly. I think leading her around the neighborhood the past month or so has toned down her reactions to things and a jogger or biker won't be nearly so bothersome as a truck with a noisy trailer or school bus.
Lessons have definitely cut back. I'm about at half of what I had been doing, which is typical.
Sunday it was 109, a record I believe. I can't wait for fall already.