Back in the Saddle

Jan 18, 2012 08:54

Friday I rode Kash for the first time. It's actually the first ride he's had since +ctober sometime as he stopped doing lessons as we prepared for the draft show (both students that were using him were in the show and, well, he is not a draft so they weren't riding him).

He did awesome. I was going to just walk and trot, but as I asked for a bigger trot he did his usual "but cantering is so much easier than extending!" And I didn't stop him and it felt wonderful.

I rode him again yesterday. I put my breeches on in the morning, figuring if I had breeches on I was definitely going to get out there to ride. It took me until noon, but hey it happened!

Kash again did awesome. I rode him in the front of the property and he was just great. Towards the end of the concentrated part of the workout I asked for a couple walk-canter transitions and he went into them beautifully, even though my upper body wanted to pop forward the first couple times. That's particularly impressive as it's been well over four months since he's been asked for that and we weren't doing them very well at the time to boot. So much love for the boy. Now if I can only get him to stop scratching himself to pieces!

riding, horse, kash

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