Resolutions 2012

Jan 17, 2012 10:32

Resolutions 2011

I will draw daily! Fail!
I will finish Chapter One of "Shifting Times." Try to either ink a page or finish coloring one each month. This puts me at my six pages a year average. I did not finish a single page this year. I failed terribly.
Get film, take pictures with Mamiya. Success! Granted I only managed it twice, but that's okay! Success just the same!

I would like to do two or three shows this year. Managed just one, but the Draft Show was a pretty big one!
I'm being ambitious and going to try and get three horses worked five days a week (average). I'm debating if I need to work three horses, or if my student riding/working with them also counts.... I managed this at one point, but then I got pregnant and that kindof skewered it. That's okay as I was successful at one point!
I will have Cinnamon Strudel at least greenbroke before the end of the year and out on trails! - Yep, it's back. This is a yes-and-no. Again, the pregnancy thing lambasted working young horses, but I did get her out on trail twice and working quite well in walk and trot, just didn't quite make it to the canter.
I will make Kitt a cantering fool! - Yes, again Got her going better, but I slacked a bit as I had student take up a lease on her and I get to blame being pregnant most of the year again.
Work Kash three times a week so he can be in good shape mentally and physically to use in lessons. Did pretty well with this. He was used for lessons up until October sometime when prep for the Draft Show took over and he sat around.
Start using Panda in lessons again (this means working her more as well and getting Chris to help me with lungeing her). Kindof. Had Keara on her a couple times, but again, wasn't able to keep her in work.

Get a birthday list and addresses together so I can actually mail birthday cards! Fail.
I will write letters to anyone who writes me as well as those who do not (because I like this one). I did manage this one!

I will read, no, study, the scriptures daily, even when Chris is home. I'd say 90% successful. Still missed some days.
I will read the Qur'an. Have been reading, haven't finished yet.
Read Liahona and/or Ensign monthly, even if it is just the Visiting Teaching message. Good for the first two or three months, then again, failed terribly.

Clean up and finish the Photography section, because that's really the only thing left to do with it. Decided it needed a complete revamp instead.

Apply for substitute teaching so I can have a second income during my lean times. Ended up doing Art lessons during the summer, which was quite successful and lessons took off and couldn't justify taking applying for a sub job when I was making more money doing lessons.
Check out that little Art & Music place that does lessons, see if they need assistance. Did, they never called and that's okay.
Advertise in Bridle & Bit and Arizona Horse Connections. Lessons took off, didn't really need the extra advertising.
I would like to average 8-10 lessons a week. Total success!!!

I will write five minutes a day at least. I did not keep track of this, though I did write a lot more than I have in past years.
I will do at least one post a month in at least one of my community projects. (Trying again...) Nope.

Self/General Life:
Pay off credit cards fully. They got ugly this past year.Tragically no, it seems whenever I managed a descent payment something would come up to sabotage it and put me right back where I was before. The biggest blame was hay prices. I was NOT prepared to be paying over $13 per bale all year long.

Resolutions 2012

Draw 30 minutes a day.
I will finish Chapter One of "Shifting Times."
Use the Mamiya to take monthly portraits of Tristan.

Work at least one horse myself 5 days a week.
Get Z ground driving and lungeing.
Cinnamon will be broke by the end of the year (plan on sending her to Trish for 30 days).
I will make Kitt a cantering fool! -- This has to happen. Noy everyone is ready for Kash's quirks no matter how much of a good boy he is.
Compete in and take students to at least two shows.
Sell Panda :(

Get a birthday list and addresses together so I can actually mail birthday cards! Trying again!
Be social with friends, have lunch, go out and do things.

I will read, no, study, the scriptures daily.
I will read the Qur'an.
Read Liahona and/or Ensign monthly, even if it is just the Visiting Teaching message.

Finish redesign.

Finish business plan.
Write up a lesson plan and stick with it.
Solidify philosophy, be more methodical and try to follow at least a loose framework for the first lessons especially.
Look into doing a clinic at QC Horse expo.

Do a final edit on the "Shifting Times: Prequel" and call it done.
Finish at least two chapters of "Fire Forged Key"
Finish the script for "Shifting Times: Merging Worlds"

Self/General Life:
Pay off credit cards fully, close PNC card, get a new Dover card.
Help Tristan grow up into a happy, healthy kid.
Don't get on the internet until I've accomplished things (30 min. drawing, working a horse, etc.)
Clean out and organize my desks. Strive to keep them organized!

Print this out this year so I can actually check things off as they're accomplished!

The yearly ritual. Sometimes I'm more successful than others, but the point is I try, right?


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