Resistance Series

Jul 08, 2009 12:13

This is the series that I focused on for most of my last Drawing class. It technically consists of 12 pieces, however, if you count the pieces of paper, it's actually 20. Most are pastel and ink, though some are just pastel. They are all on 9X12" ColourFix Paper, which is pretty cool to work on with pastels. It holds a lot of pastel and comes in many different colors along with the option of purchasing the ground and applying it to whatever paper or surface you desire.

Without further delay: Resistance

Theme: Where most artists depict the horse in a majestic, loose, or harmonious state, I wanted to explore the other side. The neglected subject of resistance, disharmony, and forced confinement need to be brought to light so that others can be made aware of their existence. As, if one is not aware of something, how can one ever be expected to change it?

Details One Two Three

Details One Two Three Four Five Six Seven

I'm really proud of this group.


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