
Jul 01, 2009 14:23

Westercon is coming to Arizona this year and I'll have several (27 ... a lot) of pieces in the art show. Here's to hoping that something sells! My current record for sci-fi/fantasy convention sales is one piece ... let's hope I at least meet it this time. It'd be really nice if several pieces sold, but hey, my current precedent is three conventions attended and one piece sold, so I'll be happy if one piece sells. I'll be deliriously happy if more than that sells.

I finished three pieces specifically for the convention. It was initially going to be four, but ended up with three as I didn't have time to finish and frame the fourth.

They're basically a trip-tych, the first is in a nice, wood frame, but the other two are in small metal frames. I'll eventually frame them up like the first one, but didn't have the funds for the finer frame for all three.

And life moves on! Horses are freshly shod and trimmed, lessons are going well, and summer is here. Hurra for 100+ degree weather and humidity! ... but not really.

P.S. I'm debating on going to FurtherConfusion in January ... it's been years since I went to it and this will be the first time that I don't have school commitments getting in the way ... but I don't know.

art, convention

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