Lots of Rain

Jul 11, 2008 04:51

Last night somewhere around 11.00 we had a massive storm hit. The din from the rain was quite loud and by midnight pretty much our whole property was flooded. Thankfully our house is anywhere between 18" to two feet above the rest of the property so we're fine, but the white shed, which houses the tack and other things and stands about four inches off the ground, will need some inspection.

Did I mention it's still raining?

As the rain died down the water has receded a bit and we're no longer looking at flat water from the base of the house pad and beyond, but it is going to be a very, very soggy day, I think. Chris was able to make it out of the driveway without mishap, but will have to change his usual route in order to avoid flooded roads. Queen Creek has put in several small bridges in the past few years to go over the washes instead of through them so, thankfully, he shouldn't have to drive through (too much) water.

Yesterday, after working horses and doing the usual, I headed into town. I went to Bookman's and proceeded to spend most of the $45.00 I had in store credit. I picked up a book on South African wildlife with lots of nice, large photographs as well as three horse-oriented books: "The Classical Seat," "Basic Horsemanship: English and Western," and "Give Your Horse a Chance: A Classic Work on the training of Horse and Rider." I'm excited, especially for the last one, which is a rather large tome concerning the classical training of the horse, as found in the old High Schools such as the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.

From there I dropped by Game Daze to get myself a new set of percentile dice, unfortunately they no longer sell the small sets, which was annoying because I prefer the little dice to the large ones, easier to rattle around multiple dice in your hand. So now I have a multi-colored mis-matched set of red, green, and purple dice.

The next stop was Costco, which is always a good place to be around lunch time because of all the free samples of various good-to-eat products. Unfortunately it appears that they no longer carry Crisco, the shortening, woe! They've sold that stuff forever and the piteously small containers that you get at the grocery store really aren't adequate.

Speaking of small containers, has anyone else noticed the "Grocery Shrink Ray" in effect? Especially in the case of ice cream. Whatever happened to a full HALF GALLON, what's up with this three pint thing?

And I need to feed horses when there's a break in the rain, thank heavens for mud boots.
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