More Accomplishments

Jul 09, 2008 11:26

You wish to read the whole comic!

It only took me three months ... I blame school and being distracted by that life thing.

Earlier this week I completed the lovely job of cleaning both Rowdy and Kash's sheaths, yay. Not my most favorite thing to do with horses, but it has to be done! Poor Rowdy's sheath is swollen, and has been for several days. We're taking him to the vet Friday to have a closer look at it, unfortunately the cleaning doesn't seemed to have helped, granted, I spent an hour working on him and I don't think I was really able to get it all. I need to ask the vet if there's some magical way to get them to drop so that it's easier to clean.

I've worked Dakota, Kash, and Toby this week and this morning I had training with Kim, but was on Smokey, her TB (cross?) gelding because Mom had the trailer up in Utah. I could ride to the training, but I would prefer to have a riding buddy when doing that and sometimes I need a lesson to focus more on "me" than the horse I'm riding.

I need to get some pictures of the drawing that I'm working on before I go back into it with the lighter ink washes, keep your eyes peeled for progress images!

art, comic, kashian, horse

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