
Feb 13, 2008 04:45

I want to beat our neighbors. They're not our direct neighbors, they're North and West of us at the end of the small drive that runs along the Ramos' property.

The last three weeks on Tuesday they've been setting off fireworks. Now fireworks are illegal in Arizona. Have been for a long time because y'know, things burn out here quite easily. I don't really care that they're setting off fireworks, really, but the first week it started around eight o'clock, not bad, but it continued sporatically until 10 o'clock and then stopped. Last week it started a little before 10 o'clock and Chris put a call in at the Sheriff's office. Last night it didn't start until nearly 11 o'clock and went on until midnight or later. Chris finally put in a call around 11.30 and I don't think either of us got any sleep until after midnight. I'm pretty sure Chris got hardly any sleep at all and he had to get up shortly after four to get to work.

It wouldn't be so bad if it were Friday or Saturday night when they did this, evenings where we get to sleep in the next morning. But they are doing this late at night during the work week when people have to get up and drive places and being sleep depribed is not good.

We don't think there are any "adults" living in the house right now. Well, it's a trailer, but I haven't seen anybody there that looks much over twenty for quite a while. It was for sale a couple of months before they took it off the market. The people I have seen seem to be in their late teens or early twenties and, by the sounds of it, don't have a lot of consideration for their neighbors' sleep patterns.

My question is: WHY ON TUESDAY!

I know they're probably just a little younger than I am and I sound like an old lady complaining about it, but I am afraid for my husband's safety driving to work this morning because he got hardly any sleep last night and he doesn't have the luxury of dozing on the bus like I do. Fortunately he doesn't have to go very far to work, but that's not the point. There is a reason that the city (state?) has an ordinance of no excessive noise after 10 o'clock, particularly during the week when people need to get to work and school safely without falling asleep at the wheel.

Nrph ... beat some sort of sense into them. Perhaps the Sheriff came out last night and dragged them off and booked them on disturbing the peace. One can hope.

rant, neighbors

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