That's amusing

Oct 25, 2007 08:12

The things my Internet English class exposes me to: "Women: Know Your Limits!"

Hurra for satire.

*Gnaws on ASU.*

I might have to take a class that I don't have to take in order to remain a full-time student next semester. I'd be tempted to take a Photo class, but I already have two studios and I don't have the time for three.

There's a question mark about possibly taking a special topics course, but I have no idea if it's the same as he one that I'm suppose to take or not as the couse number is different.

I'll still graduate the same semester, but I'll have three classes (probably) instead of just two. I must say that ASU is conspiring against me. They need to have more Art History classes available, specifically the 20th century stuff, as, at the moment, there are NONE. Well, there's the second half to "Art of the 20th Century," but you have to have taken the first one already and there' sonly one time for it, which directly conflicts with another class I have to take.


And I serious need to get off of the computer, I can feel my brain rotting and I feel like I've accomplished nothing, even though I updated my website and read a load of crud for my Internet class.

I think universities cater towards those who can devote every waking hour to the school rather than those who are married and have complex lives outside of the college and who also work off of the campus.

Any way you look at it, it WILL BE DONE! Three more semesters and IT WILL BE DONE!


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