Holy Crap It's FINISHED!

Oct 21, 2007 17:23

Well, another page is, at least. And since it's been so long in coming and I'm rather proud of it, I'm sharing it here with y'all.

I do have to admit that I secretly enjoy drawing Rirhe when he is spazzed out. Ignore the fact that the lighting is wrong in panel four, I noticed it, but only AFTER I was finished coloring it and really didn't want to redo it.

The whole comic can be found here for those interested.

Now I just have 20 more pages to go and I'm finished with Runaways! I should have it finished by the end of 2009, which is actually quite close, if you think of it, especially compared to how long it's taken me to get to this point! Nearly 20 pages in four years, and I hope to finish another 20 in two!

Each page I finished gets me excited all over again about the story. I'm slightly disappointed in myself that I don't get them finished faster, but I have to remind myself that each panel is quite near a full completed drawing in and of itself at the size I'm working. To give you an idea, the "finished" product that you see is about 25% of my working size now.

P.S. I find Rirhe's accent amusing too.

shifting times, comic, kashian

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