Ich bin verletzt

Jun 20, 2024 18:23

This is what happens when you don't listen to your own advice.

I had stopped wearing my leg case working with more questionable horses a couple months ago because I had felt the lines think about getting hung up on it.

Well, wouldn't you know working one of mine I got tripped up by the lines, jerked off my feet, and landed badly.

As I tell my students, it's not what would happen, it’s what could happen, and if you treat the situation as if something could go wrong you're much better off.

I hit the urgent care yesterday, they place they referred me to was out of network. Found one in network and got an appointment this morning. Bad news is surgery with a plate and screws, good news is the plates with screws gets me stabilized fater and I"m not locked in a cast for six weeks.

Had a minor heart attack when the out of network place called to set up the appointment as I was waiting for the set-up call for the surgery. I was confused for a moment and set up an appointment with them Monday. The surgery scheduler called me a few minutes later and I realized what was happening and canceled the Monday appointment.

The bad news is I have to be in Phoenix by 8am, but the good news is I should be heading home by 12.30pm.

My clinic in Utah is still on, they want my brain, not my body, ha!

In other news the Patreon for my Easy in the Harness podcast paid out for the first time and it got me an annual Kinemaster subscription so I can edit video on my phone at a higher level than I can on the computer. The best feature is the autocaptions so I can include subtitles on all the videos going forward. I still have to double-check it, but it is way faster than me scrolling through and replaying over and over again to recapture the text by hand (this is where AI programs are gold!).

I guess part of my downtime will be spent working my videos for the driving training course.

Current thing I'm working on. I got the sketch finished before I busted myself and am working on the coloring with my off hand.

health, art, work, podcast: easy in the harness

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