
Feb 10, 2024 06:42

I was about to head out to work with Adrianne and Ardberg yesterday when Chris said "I hope she's not stuck."


I got her foot down, but then there wasn't enough clearance to flip her over and she shimmied her butt further under the panel. Chris got the drill and I sat on her neck to keep her town because screeching metal noises are concerning.

Moved the panel, but due to the uphill she couldn't get her feet under her so I had to get a couple ropes and Chris helped me flip her over. I had her front feet tied together, but she wasn't going to wait for me to untie her! She managed to pop up with her front feet tied together. She would totally be the horse to run away while hobbled.

I've been keeping up on the daily paper journaling, but less so here, obviously.

It's raining, lessons canceled. I fed the herd and am going back to bed.

horses: tc hold the lines, horses: ardberg shire

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